Case References

Case 1. Food Poisoning:
Effect of Homoeopathy : One early morning at around 6:00 am, the doctor received a call from one of his close friends, and he visited him.  His daughter had food poisoning. Since around 4:00 am, she had severe stomach pain, had three vomiting bouts, and had six loose motion bouts by the time the doctor could reach her. Stomach pain was so severe that she was unable to stretch her legs and lay straight even for examination by the doctor. Treatment started at 6.30 am, with just one homeopathic medicine at an interval of 10 minutes.  When the fourth dose was to be administered at 7.00 am, the patient was sleeping, and we had to awaken her to give the medicine. Then, we did not administer the patient any further dose as she slept. She woke up at around 8.30 am to desire loose motion. By 10:30 am, she reported complete relief in stomach pain with no vomiting or vomiting sensation and a considerable reduction in the frequency of loose motion. Contrary to the allopathic treatment of giving intravenous infusions, painkillers, substantial doses of antibiotics, and light food to eat, she was starving since morning, taking only water and homeopathic medicine. At 10:30 am, when the patient was relieved of stomach pain and was hungry, she was given lemon water with honey. The doctor also reduced the frequency of medicine to one hour. At around 12.30 pm, the patient took coconut water. Between 8.30 am and 1.30 pm, the patient had three bouts of loose motion, but the duration between the two was increasing, and the watery part was reducing. The third motion she had was semi-solid.  At about 2.30 pm, she drank buttermilk. There were no complaints after that, and she had an entire course of regular dinner in the evening. Therefore, you will observe that the vomiting stopped immediately, the major problem, stomach pain, was under control in just a few minutes, and by noon, the patient completely recovered. Besides that, she was in bed just for a couple of hours.  Because of loose motions and weakness, she could not move out but was doing her work and becoming energetic as time passed. Can anyone expect faster recovery with any other therapy, including allopathic treatment?

Case 2. Fever:
Effect of Homoeopathy: A patient came early from the office suffering from a fever because the patient was uncomfortable sitting in the office. On examination, the fever was found to be 100.4ºF. The doctor started the treatment around 5.00 p.m., giving just one Homoeopathic medicine to be taken every hour till the patient was awake and to continue the next day at an interval of two hours. I also advised the patient only to consume some fruits and fruit juices in the diet. The next day, the morning temperature was only 99ºF, and the patient was normal by the evening.

Case 3. Viral Fever.
Effect of Homoeopathy: A patient was suffering from severe viral fever, with great exhaustion, body aches, and weakness. The patient had a fever of 101ºF in the morning with a tendency to increase in the evening to 103ºF.  I advised the patient of some dietary restrictions and gave him Homoeopathic medicines to be taken at two-hour intervals. The second-day temperature was 100ºF in the morning and 101.4 in the evening. By the third day, the patient had a fever of 99ºF and 99.4ºF in the morning and evening, respectively, and the patient had complete recovery from viral fever the next day.

Case 4. Urinogenital Infection:
Combined Effect of Homoeopathy, Naturopathy, Yoga and Acupressure : A patient had a chronic UTI (Urinary tract Infection). With allopathic treatment, the patient’s infection used to subside with a tendency to reappear in a few months. Once, when the patient started feeling severe burning in passing urine, we were contacted. We gave the patient one Homoeopathic medicine to take every hour for immediate relief. The next day, the patient felt some relief. We advised the patient to continue the medication for another two days but increased the interval from one hour to two hours. Within three days, the patient had considerable relief. Now, we changed the treatment mode with a focused diversion from symptomatic relief to permanent cure. For this, along with some Homoeopathic medicines, we advised the patient on some Naturopathic measures, Dietary measures, Yoga, and Acupressure. The patient completely recovered from UTI in about six months and the infection has not reappeared for the last eight years.

Case 5. Cough & Cold:
Effect of Homoeopathy: A child patient had a cough and cold. Due to frequent and severe cough, the child was unable to sleep, causing disturbance to other family members as well. The doctor initially gave the child homeopathic medicine at five-minute intervals. After observing some relief, the doctor increased the duration to ten minutes. Within 50 minutes of starting treatment, the child was sleeping. The next morning, we started treating the patient’s cough and cold with Homoeopathic medications and some simple dietary restrictions. Gradual relief in 7-8 days made the patient absolutely normal.

Case 6. Infant Swallowing Uterine Fluid:
Effect of Homoeopathy: A newly born child, probably having swallowed some uterine fluid at the time of birth, was having difficulty breathing. The doctor of the nursing home was injecting her with Ampicillin (a strong antibiotic). Having found no improvement in two days, the doctor sought permission from the child’s parents to consult a child specialist, Dr. Bhargav. However, the child specialist was out of the station. Now, the parents asked permission from the treating doctor to call a homeopath, which the doctor reluctantly approved. While starting the treatment, when the treating hospital doctor had already left for the day, the homeopath doctor (i.e., myself) instructed the on-duty nurse not to inject Ampicillin anymore as homeopathic medicine was being given, which had a different approach to treatment.  In the morning, when the hospital doctor came to the hospital and incidentally, without going to her chamber, started taking rounds of the wards. When the hospital doctor saw the child, who was breathing quite comfortably by that time, she commented,  “By just listening to the name of Dr. Bhargava, baby recovered”.  However, after completing the round, when the hospital doctor went to her office, she learned that the homeopath doctor had stopped ampicillin injections. The hospital doctor was furious and had a heated conversation with the parents of the child and opposed the parents consulting a homeopath. The hospital doctor asked the parents to give in writing that neither the doctor nor the hospital would be responsible for any adverse effect on the child’s health because the parents stopped the hospital doctor’s treatment of the newborn child. The parents gave the required in writing. There was continuous improvement in the child’s health, and by the following day (i.e., 36 hours from the start of the treatment), the child was doing fine.

Case 7. Brain Cyst:
Effect of Homoeopathy: A child of two years with a history of delayed developmental milestones (neck strengthened at six months, sitting at nine months, crawling at 11 months, walking at one year six months) used to drag their right foot while walking. The child had some skin patches on the belly, right hand, and thigh and tended to vomit while feeding.  On having medical tests: MRI, CT scan, etc., a neurologist found that the child had an arachnoid cyst in the left temporal lobe of the brain. The neurologist advised the parents that they could neither remove the cyst through an operation nor administer medications for a cure.  After about four months of homeopathic treatment, there was some improvement in the child’s ability to walk correctly. After seven months of treatment, another diagnosis found the cyst had dissolved, and the MRI and CT scans were clear and normal.

Case 8. Heart Problems:
Combined Effect of Homoeopathy, Naturopathy and Yoga : An elderly patient with chronic heart problems under regular allopathic treatment was staying in my neighborhood. The elderly patient had a weak heart and had hospitalization once every six months due to heart ailments. The patient’s allopathic doctor had, among other things, prescribed the patient an SOS medicine to be taken in an emergency whenever they experience pain in the heart. One night, suddenly, the patient’s wife consulted me, saying this time, even the SOS medicine failed to relieve the patient of the excruciating heart pain. Both the patient’s children and the allopathic doctor were out of town. She wanted to check if I could help get relief from severe heart pain that the patient was having at that time and also told me that in the morning, she would take him to the hospital. The patient received homeopathic medicine. Within 40 minutes, the patient started feeling some relief in pain, and in a couple of hours, the patient was comfortable enough to have sound sleep the rest of the night.  In the morning, the patient and his wife dropped the idea of visiting the hospital and expressed their desire to take our treatment combined with the allopathic treatment that the patient was taking. For this, they were given a few homoeopathic medicines and advised on some naturopathic measures, light exercises, yoga, and dietary restrictions. He continued both treatments and did not find any need to be hospitalized then after. After about one year he told me comments from his allopathic Doctor that the improvement in his heart condition could not be due to his (allopathic) medicines and it seemed to be a miracle.

Case 9. Chronic Diabetes & recovery from fear of death:
Combined Effects of Homoeopathy, Naturopathy, Yoga, and Acupressure : An elderly patient was having chronic diabetes and was under allopathic treatment. Over time, the patient’s other organs started getting affected, and a time came when, along with heart problems, other organs, the liver, spleen, and kidney, stopped proper functioning. After some time, the patient also started suffering from jaundice. After prolonged hospitalization, the patient was discharged, having no hope of recovery, and stating a limited life. At this stage, the patient started our treatment.  In ten days, some improvement in jaundice was visible. In about one month, the bedridden patient started about 2 to 3 hrs of willful sitting, reading newspapers, etc.  In four months, the patient started walking. In ten months, the patient’s diabetes was cured. The treatment restored the patient’s other organs, like the heart, liver, spleen, and kidney, to normal functioning.

Case 10. Diabetes:
Combined Effect of Homoeopathy, Naturopathy, Yoga and Acupressure : A 57- year-old woman in the year 2011 was diagnosed with diabetes, which was her family history. Her father, a director-level Government employee, had severe diabetes with badly affected kidneys and spent almost a year on regular dialysis and hospitalization before death. Her three sisters and brother all had diabetes and, as usual, were under allopathic treatment. Somehow, quite contrary to her family’s beliefs, she decided to have our treatment. In just 2½ months of treatment, her sugar level became normal. We advised her to continue medicines and dietary restrictions for another three weeks. Since then, she has been free to eat a regular diet and normal food, including sugar and sweets. However, we advised her to switch to deshi khand (raw sugar) or bura (demerara sugar) instead of refined sugar. In between these 13 years, just in fear of reappearance, she got her sugar level tested many times, which was always in the normal range.

Case 11. Duodenal Ulcer:
Combined Effect of Homoeopathy, Naturopathy, Yoga and Acupressure : A young man of 32 years all of a sudden started severe vomiting of blood and required hospitalization. An endoscopy confirmed a duodenal ulcer, and doctors advised surgery. However, the patient preferred to try our treatment first before going for surgery. In just 30 days, the patient’s pain subsided to a bearable limit, and the patient decided to continue the treatment instead of opting for surgery.  In seven months, the patient was completely cured.

Case 12a. Cancer of Liver:
Combined Effect of Homoeopathy, Naturopathy, Yoga and Acupressure : A 54-year- old person was diagnosed with Angiosarcoma of the liver. The oncologist who attended the case told the patient’s family members that the case was incurable and also that their life expectancy was not more than three months. Just thinking that even if inevitable, with our therapy, at least death will be peaceful, the patient’s family members decided to go with our treatment.  With just four months of integrated treatment, the patient started witnessing some improvement, and after more than three years of treatment, the patient’s laboratory tests confirmed normality.

Case 12b. Blood Cancer (Leukemia):
Combined Effect of Homoeopathy, Naturopathy, Yoga, and Acupressure A lady in her 50s had Leukemia. During the third round of chemotherapy, she started facing hemorrhage and suffocation. The oncologist stopped treatment and told her husband about the maximum life expectancy of just about thirty days. Her platelet counts were very low. With just 40 days of integrated treatment, her platelets recovered to 50,000. The patient’s suffocation also subsided, and after four months of treatment, the platelet count was absolutely normal.  After about four years of treatment, even her bone marrow was absolutely normal, and she was completely cured.

Note:  We have simply tried to bring the effectiveness of our therapies comprising of Homoeopathy, Naturopathy, Yoga, and Acupressure to your notice. With these examples, patients should not construe that using our therapy and treatment, we can cure any disease at any stage. Limitations are everywhere, and we cannot challenge the almighty God. Of course, we can assure you about our sincerity, integrity, and endless efforts without bringing commercialization into our services. Most of these cases, which, on reading or listening, look very simple, were handled by spending days together studying the case and deciding about the mode of treatment. We have tried to explain our therapy and our views. It is left entirely to the wisdom of the patient to determine what is best for them and to choose their treatment accordingly. Our services are not profit-oriented and are available without any medico-legal liability only. 

Case References