Mission: To serve humanity by providing rapid, gentle, permanent, and cost-effective treatment for incurable and difficult diseases absolutely without any side effects.
Vision: Integrating nonsurgical, noninvasive, and harmless therapies to arrive at an “effective and fast” cure for chronic, incurable diseases, keeping a holistic approach. In contrast to conventional therapies that treat symptoms, we at Swasthya Bhandar look at the whole patient, identifying and correcting the root of the problem, removing toxins from the body, eliminating negative factors, and stimulating the immune system, which collectively triggers the disease.
We at Swasthya Bhandar provide the most economical treatment for so-called incurable or difficult diseases with our integrated therapies consisting of Homoeopathy, Yoga, Acupressure, home manageable Naturopathy, and Herbalism, among others, i.e., nonsurgical, noninvasive, and harmless therapies having absolutely no side effects. We prefer the integration of Homeopathy with other therapies as none of the medical therapies are complete in all respects (though most Homeopaths claim to be) and have their advantages, disadvantages, scope, and limitations to fight chronic, complex, or incurable diseases in totality. This integration facilitates the Rapid, Gentle, and Permanent cure in the shortest possible period in the most economical way. All these therapies have no side effects and are very effective and fast in curing diseases, even those that are incurable by the Allopathic method of treatment. These therapies are equally effective in acute diseases, faster, and safer. We have observed that habitual followers of these therapies usually do not indulge in chronic diseases, as these are automatically arrested at the inception stage.
It is a myth that Homoeopathy or either of these therapies (Yoga, Acupressure, Naturopathy, and Herbalism) takes a longer time to cure. In all acute diseases, these therapies are highly effective. In some other acute cases, it may be simply a difference in visualization. For example, a patient with viral fever taking Allopathic treatment may find a normal body temperature within a couple of days but will have no energy to resume their regular work for another three to five days. While taking treatment with Homeopathy and other holistic therapies may take 3 to 5 days for the fever to become normal. Still, the day the fever becomes normal, the patient will be energetic enough to resume regular work. Moreover, following our therapies, the patient will achieve all of these without any side effects from the prescribed medicines.
Yes, the effectiveness of therapies like Homeopathy, Yoga, Acupressure, Naturopathy, and Herbalism becomes slow when the suppression of acute diseases happens by giving unwanted allopathic medicines. Unmindfully, acute diseases gradually convert to chronic diseases. Further, chronic diseases take a longer time to be cured, even by the allopathic system of treatment, and in some diseases, there is no treatment (cure) in Allopathy, and Doctors have to manage the disease with lifelong medication. In our opinion, most chronic diseases result from suppressing acute diseases. When Allopathy is used to treat chronic diseases, in due course of time, it acts as a seedling that gives rise to complicated diseases. For example, Syphilis / Gonorrhea + Antibiotics = AIDS.
With the help of nature-based therapies we adopt, acute diseases are effectively cured in the shortest period, faster than allopathy. Chronic diseases are also cured in a reasonable period, almost equal to the allopathic way of treatment, and chronic diseases do not give rise to more complicated chronic diseases, as happens in the case of allopathic treatment. Many chronic diseases that are not curable with the allopathic system and the patient has no option but to remain on medication throughout their life are cured with our therapies in a few months; after the cure, the patient leads a normal life without any medication. Diabetes, Hypertension, Cardiac diseases, and Arthritis are a few examples of such diseases. More serious chronic diseases, which result from the suppression of chronic diseases and are not curable by allopathic methods, may take a longer time to treat, and during the course of treatment, patients may also develop symptoms of previously suppressed diseases.
However, with all this, you should not presume that we are criticizing Allopathy and are totally against it. Just like other therapies, Allopathy also has its advantages and disadvantages, scope and limitations—no doubt, in some cases, we have to take shelter from Allopathy and even surgery. Our simple approach is to be judicious about all therapies and to choose the best suited to our context. We should not mindlessly run after modern medical knowledge from so-called advanced Western countries, ignoring our ancient knowledge and wisdom that is perhaps best suited to our context. We also do not advocate or support treatment centers (like Ayurvedic and Naturopathy centers). Though the basis of such centers is the ancient wisdom of India, in the race to commercialize and generate profits, they are making even our ancient medical knowledge very expensive, even in the name of charity. Therefore, we have mentioned on our website (under the Diseases & Consultancy—>Some Diseases menu) treatment for many diseases, including chronic and so-called complex or incurable diseases, which patients can read and cure themselves without visiting any Doctor or paying any fee to anybody. However, treating some diseases may be complicated and requires a lot of brainstorming and devotion, even for us. We charge a nominal fee for all such services as mentioned on the Consultancy Procedure page of the website.
Those who need specific consultation for their problem should send our Patient History Form duly filled along with copies of their test reports.
Our organization, “Swasthya Bhandar,” is not a commercial organization. Our aim is not to make money. We are fully inspired by the ancient principle of the medical profession, which used to be a noble profession of dedication, devotion, kindness, and assistance, not of becoming rich. Our treatments are very effective as well as cost-effective. This is a boon to many of such hopeless patients who have either been declared uncurable by the modern medical system or are unable to afford the expensive treatment of the present race.
Dr. Dhurendra is the youngest son of (late) Dr. Phundan Lal ji. Though Dr. Phundan Lal was an M.D. (London), after seeing the evil effects of Allopathy, he was converted to Homeopathy. He had research work on tuberculosis, which was as serious an ailment in those days (around 1940) as cancer was just four or five decades before. His research was well recognized and awarded by the British Government. The British Government also dedicated a hospital to treat tuberculosis at Jabalpur, based on Dr. Phundan Lal’s
research. The hospital achieved astonishing success (80%) in tuberculosis treatment following Dr. Phundan Lal’s therapy. Even the remaining 20% were those who could not complete the treatment for some personal reasons and left
in between the path of recovery. However, after independence, the Indian Government was adamant about discontinuing some of the inherent facilities thatwere integral to his treatment and were well provided by the British Government. Just on these issues, he decided to have his independent practice only. Dr Phundan Lal passed away in 1962 at the age of 82 years.
Dr. Dhurendra was born in 1947. Inspired by his father’s conversion from Allopathy to Homeopathy, he acquired skills in alternative medicines. To do so, he completed B.M.S. – a regular course in Homoeopathy (now termed B.H.M.S.) . A few months after completing his degree in Homeopathy, Dr. Dhurendra’s Rev. mother passed away
from breast cancer. The passing away of his mother was the point where Dr. Dhurendra’s battle against cancer started. Gradually, he realized that even Homoeopathy was not complete and, at least in chronic cases, needed help from other therapies based on similar principles and logic. Even if Homeopathy was complete and capable of getting rid of the ailments, the time factor was a matter of concern. Dr. Dhurendra observed that even traditional books on Homoeopathy, in the case of many chronic diseases, suggested accessory measures adopted from other therapies. This observation induced him to acquire formal skills in other non-invasive therapies, which were based on similar or almost similar principles of a holistic approach, supporting the immune system to fight the disease and get rid of it in a limited time. Then after, Dr. Dhurendra did dual MDs in Alternative Medicine (M.D.A.M.) and Naturopathy (M.D. Nat.). Dr. Agnihotri combines the wisdom of ancient healing practices with modern
medical advancements. Dr. Agnihotri’s extensive education is further complemented by a prestigious AIACH Certification from the International Academy of Classical Homoeopathy, Greece (Internationally available to qualified Doctors only), reflecting his commitment to integrating global perspectives on health and wellness. When Dr. Dhurendra combined the approaches of these therapies like Naturopathy, Yoga, Acupressure, and others with Homoeopathy, he found astonishing results and a multifold increase in efficacy of his Homoeopathic prescription on his patients suffering even from cancer and other chronic ailments. Refer to Case Studies to understand how Dr. Dhurendra’s therapies work.