Saumya Netramrit

 An ideal tonic for Eyesight and Eye diseases.  It has potential benefits for eye health, supports retinal health and healthy capillaries . It has Antioxidant, Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory Properties,  cures many normal eye diseases. Protect Eyesight , help in avoidance of spectacles if used regularly since  normal eyesight stage. It also prevent further deterioration of eyesight if regularly used after use of spectacles;  can also restore eyesight along with some other measures to be followed.  Those seriously interested in getting rid of spectacles, may write to us for a complete treatment. 

Directions  to use : Apply at bed time with an applicator (Salai) made of zinc or silver. Like any other super beneficial eye medicine, it will also cause a stinging or burning sensation when applied to the eyes, which will be temporary for a few seconds after which it provides remarkable comfort.

Weight Price
15g ₹85/-

Saumya Netramitra