Saumya Pachak Rasayan

A natural detoxifier,  rich in  antioxidants.  Promotes digestion, reduces food-borne infections,  relieves gastric and stomach problems,  increases the activity of digestive proteins. It may also reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.  Increases the release of bile from the liver that helps in digestion of  fats and certain nutrients. It contains antioxidants that stabilize free radicals. Relieves gas and bloating, fights bacteria and fungi, prevent constipation and abdominal pain, inhibit the growth of certain strains of bacteria and fungi, including E. coliSalmonella, and Candida albicans.

It has been prepared from  premium quality Jeera, Ajwain, Saunf, Sonth, Kali Mrch, Kala Namak, & Menthol.

Directions to use :  Just put two pinch dry powder at the tongue and let it dissolve naturally.

Weight Price
20g ₹85/-
50g ₹180/-

Saumya Pachak Rasayan