

Lifestyle change coupled with a change in food habits makes a perfect blend of karela (bitter gourd) and neem (Azadirachta indica) resulting in this dreaded disease. Cancer has spread to the extent that almost one out of every three is likely to suffer from this disease during a lifetime.  Those fortunate to keep themselves away from such a disease may have to see some of their close ones suffering from cancer. Though medical science claims that cancer can be treated, but more or less modern medical science has been able to help the patient survive for a few years only, and the real cure is still far away. A renowned cancer specialist rightly described their treatment, comparing it with how criminals hide themselves for some time, seeing the police or any other threat to them but reappearing when the threat disappears.

Cancer can be classified into five broad categories as under:
  • Carcinomas are characterized by cells that cover internal and external parts of the body, such as lung, breast, nose, prostate, urinary bladder, and colon cancer.
  • Sarcomas are characterized by cells located in bone, cartilage, fat, connective tissue, muscle, and other supportive tissues such as bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, or blood vessels.
  • Lymphomas are cancers that begin in the lymph nodes and immune system tissues. Most lymphomas arise from the two main types of white blood cells called lymphocytes: B lymphocytes (B cells) and T lymphocytes (T cells). The cancerous cells can travel to different body parts, including the lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow, blood, or other organs. From there, they can accumulate and form tumors.
  • Leukemia is a cancer that begins in the bone marrow and often accumulates in the bloodstream. It is a cancer of the body’s blood-forming tissues, including the bone marrow and the lymphatic system. Leukemia is a group of blood cancers that affect the body’s blood cells, mainly the white blood cells. Leukemia can form when white blood cells don’t grow as they should. It exists in many types.  The most common types are:
  • Acute or Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (ALL) or (CLL)
  • Acute or Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) or (CLL)
  • Adenomas: cancers that arise in the thyroid, the pituitary gland, the adrenal gland, and other glandular tissues. Different types of adenomas include:
  • Adrenal adenomas grow along the adrenal glands.
  • Some colon polyps (growths along the colon’s lining) are adenomas.
  • Parathyroid adenomas grow along the parathyroid gland.
  • Pituitary adenomas grow along the pituitary gland.
  • Pleomorphic adenomas grow along the salivary glands.
Available Treatments:
 As per so-called Advanced Medical Science well, established treatments are:
  • Chemotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that uses drugs to kill cancer cells.
  • Hormone therapy is a treatment that slows or stops the growth of breast and prostate cancers that use hormones to grow.
  • Hyperthermia is a treatment in which body tissue is heated to as high as 113°F to help damage and kill cancer cells with some  harm to normal tissues as well. 
  • Immunotherapy is a cancer treatment that helps the immune system fight cancer.
  • Photodynamic therapy uses a light-activated drug to kill cancer and other abnormal cells.
  • Radiation therapy is a type of cancer treatment that uses high doses of radiation to kill cancer cells and shrink tumours. 
  • Stem cell transplants restore stem cells that grow into blood cells in people who have had theirs destroyed by high doses of chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
  • Surgery is a procedure in which a surgeon removes cancer from the body.
  • Targeted therapy is a type of cancer treatment that targets the changes in cancer cells that help them grow, divide, and spread.

          However, in our opinion, modern science has not yet been able to find a solution for this disease, and all these therapies have severe side effects, most importantly killing even healthy cells along with targeted ones. Cancer cells take up the needed space and nutrients that the healthy organs would use. As a result, the healthy organs can no longer function. For most people, complications from treatment of cancer can cause death. Even otherwise, with these treatments, the root cause of behavioral changes in cells is not checked, which could have stopped abnormal behavior of new cells, and thus, chances of recurrences of cancer are left behind. With all these treatments, life can be saved only for a few years. Had the patient not undergone these therapies and would have gone without treatment, perhaps they would have survived a few more years than with this kind of treatment. Thus, many people say that most cancer patients die of treatment rather than of the disease.

            In an article, “Stopping Cancer Treatment: Advice for Making a Difficult Decision,” Kristina Iavarone writes, “Cancer treatment may not always work, and it can cause unwanted side effects and sometimes even reduced quality of life. The decision to stop cancer treatment is a difficult one. Your doctor will likely discuss the risks and side effects that you may experience, as well as other forms of therapy that could help as you transition to end-of-life care.” This article has been medically reviewed by Thomas LeBlanc, M.D., M.A., MHS, FAAHPM, FASCO.  With this quote, we simply want to say that even in advanced countries, cancer specialists know their therapies are not foolproof and may have severe side effects, including reduced quality of life, whereas other therapies may work. Still, these doctors remember those therapies when they feel that the patient’s life is at stake and not before. I also remember, in a medical seminar, one renowned Allopath said, “The action of Homoeopathic drugs starts from the point where the action of Allopathic drugs stops.” Several such views from the medical field of India and of well-advanced countries can be quoted, and even renewed cancer specialists have opined about the uncertainty of success with these therapies and their side effects. Our objective here is not to debate these issues but to bring these facts before you so you can make a judicious decision about your treatment.

          Our advanced integrated therapy comprising of homeopathy, naturopathy, yoga and acupressure can cure the disease to quite some extent. As is well known, the success of treatment lies in its early detection. If the spread of the disease has not reached an advanced or metastatic stage, there would be a good chance of recovery, but if the spread is more than this level, we can expect relief in pain, quality of life, and prolongation of life. A satisfactory cure will depend upon several factors, but even if we cannot achieve survival, at least death will be peaceful as against treatment with conventional modern therapies. If diagnosed early and treatment started, with our advanced integrated homeopathy and naturopathy -based treatment, even complete recovery is faster and has a much better chance as compared to chemotherapy, laser therapy, and others.

        One more aspect: even during and after these therapies, your oncologist will advise you on some dietary restrictions and exercises, which will be an integral part of their therapies. You will have to follow and invite side effects. In contrast, there will be no side effects in our integrated alternate treatment with a combination of homoeopathy, naturopathy, yoga and acupressure. However, our exercises will include yoga and Pranayama, which will help speed up the work of our homeopathic medicines and lead you toward a cure. Of course, our naturopathy based dietary restrictions will also be certainly there but different than allopathic. For example, an Oncologist may say,  “Plenty of liquids (No fruits and no fruit juices), and in the name of liquids – may offer you aerated drinks.  While our naturopathy  will say no aerated drinks at all and have Plenty of fluids – fruit juices, coconut water, buttermilk, etc. because a cancer patient’s body will already be acidic, without which diseases like cancer  could not take place.  Hence, to get cured, a patient will have to give up all acidic food.

      Before proceeding, we must address the question: Can Chemotherapy and homeopathy be taken together?  And my answer is a BIG NO. The reason is straight forward: Chemotherapy will completely diminish immunity, making it almost zero, whereas Homoeopathy and naturopathy act by boosting immunity. Thus, the approach of both treatments is just the opposite. Hence, Homoeopathy and/ or Naturopathy cannot help you at all with Chemotherapy.  You have to choose only one out of these. Although some homeopaths claim that they can support recovery together with Chemotherapy, in our opinion, this is simply because they have also commercialized their profession. One can choose Homoeopathy, Naturopathy  and allied therapies either before or after Chemotherapy, but not together. Chemotherapeutic drugs are too strong to permit homeopathy to work together, and money spent on homeopathy will be a sheer waste of money. Homoeopathy and allied therapies can lead you toward a cure with many times better chances of treatment and survival than Chemotherapy if chosen as the first option.  However, after Chemotherapy, these may reduce the side effects of Chemotherapy, but not together.

Our Approach to Cancer Treatment

Selecting homeopathic medicines for cancer is difficult, cumbersome, and time-consuming. We cannot mention homoeopathy based effective cancer medication here, and we advise patients to write to us for specific consultancy only. Other naturopathy based common measures are discussed below, which can be started immediately without waiting for any medicine.

  • At the outset, keep a very positive outlook on life. Keep any negativity far away from you. Cancer is the result of violating nature, and nature forgives all those who take its shelter and starts obeying it by heart.
  • Do chanting of Om, Gayatri Mantra and Maha Mrityunjay Mantra. Keep lighting Cow Ghee Diya for several hours a day. Also, burn Bhimseni Kapoor in a good-quality Bakhoor Burner. Have some good plants near you in your courtyard, balcony, or even in the room. Ashwagandha, Aloe vera, Neem, Tulsi, rubber, snake, spider, and money plants release reasonable amounts of oxygen and can even be kept in a mud pot. Some of them can be grown even in the bedroom without direct sunlight.
  • Practice the following daily:
  • Pranayama – Bhastrika, Kapal Bhati, Anulom Vilom, Bhramari, Sheetli , Ujjayi and Udgith
  • Yoga – Surya namaskar,  Pavan Muktasana, Gomukhasana, Markatasana, Vakrasana, Mandukasana, Bhujangasana, Uttanpadasana, Setubandhnasana, Shavasana.
  • Stop alcohol, tobacco, smoking, non-vegetarian food, sweets, sugar, junk food, processed food, canned food and drinks, ready-to-use food, stale food, preserved food, polished grains, fried food, fridged food, aerated drinks, tea, coffee, pickle, papad, etc.
  • Stop consuming Avoiding cooked food and switching over to salad, green vegetable juice, cucumber and its juice, and fruits and fruit juice will not let you feel the pinch of the absence of salt and sugar in your diet. All fruits naturally have some salt and sugar, which will not harm you and fulfill your body’s requirement for all nutrients, including salt and sugar.
  • Drink plenty of liquids, such as lemon water with raw honey, coconut water, fresh fruit juice, cow milk, buttermilk, green vegetable juice, vegetable soup (without salt), etc. Also, take a few almonds.
  • Mix 50 ml amla (Indian gooseberry) juice, 50 ml aloe vera juice, 50 ml wheatgrass juice, 50 ml gooseberry juice, and 20 ml giloy (heart-leaved moonseed) juice; add to it a paste of 8-10 tender neem leaves and 8-10 basil leaves and drink it twice daily empty stomach. For the sake of taste, you may add some fresh lemon drops. However, patients who have blood cancer should not take it. Instead, they should take tender neem leaves and basil leaves. They should either chew it or make a paste, mix it with raw honey, and lick it with a finger. Even patients with cancer other than blood cancer can take it if they are unable to get the above juices for any reason.
  • Take plenty of citrus fruit. It is a myth that citrus fruits are acidic.  Of course, as such, these are acidic, but after digestion, they indeed leave an alkaline ash, and cancer patients should have them in plenty.
  • Green vegetables include Lauki (Bottle gourd), Parval (Pointed gourd), Tinda (Round gourd), Torai (Ridge Gourd), Karela ( Bitter Gourd), Gajar (carrot), Chukandar (Beetroot), Cabbage, Turnip, and Radish  and  all leafy vegetables that are good for cancer patients.
  • Strawberries, cherries, lemons, tomatoes, oranges, mosambi, papaya, grapefruit, apples, pears, pomegranates, musk melon, and watermelon are good for cancer patients. Walk and do Light exercises regularly.