Cardiovascular Diseases

Cardiovascular Diseases

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) or disease of the circulatory system can be broadly grouped into organic and functional disorders. While the previous one requires surgery, the latter can be cured with proper diet, lifestyle changes, and medication. Angina and Heart Attack are the two most common CVD (cardiovascular diseases). Other CVD / cardiovascular diseases include Hypertension, Hypotension, Atherosclerosis, Tachycardia, Bradycardia, Coronary Thrombosis, and Heart Failure.

           Angina is a type of chest pain where the chest squeezes, and pain may extend to the shoulder, neck, and arm and generally leads to discomfort. Angina attacks may cause chest discomfort that typically lasts for 1 to 30 minutes and, in rare cases, may last even more. This is characterized by chest pain or pressure, usually caused by insufficient blood flow to the heart muscle (myocardium), which is most commonly a symptom of coronary artery disease. As these may precede a heart attack, they require urgent medical attention and are, in general, treated similarly to heart attack. Angina patients are generally advised to get Angiography done. However, in our opinion, no one should make a hasty decision for Angiography, and we strongly recommend, before making any decision for Angiography, first reading this chapter thoroughly or at least the specific treatment for this disease as given here, just a few paragraphs before taking any decision.

       Coronary Thrombosis and Heart Attack ,  A coronary thrombosis is a blood clot that forms in the blood vessels or arteries of the heart. The clot may obstruct blood flow to the heart partially or completely. When this happens, the supply of blood and oxygen that the heart needs is cut off, and this can lead to a heart attack.. Without blood, tissue loses oxygen and dies. Symptoms include tightness or pain in the chest, neck, back or arms, as well as fatigue, light headedness, abnormal heartbeat and anxiety. Women are more likely to have atypical symptoms than men. Treatment ranges from lifestyle changes and cardiac rehabilitation to medication,

         Hypertension or high blood pressure is a medical condition under which blood pressure in the arteries is elevated, and the heart is required to work harder than normal to circulate the blood through vessels. High blood pressure is said to be present when the systole (i.e., contraction of heart muscle) by diastole (i.e., relaxation of heart muscle between beats) is at or above 140/90 mmHg.

         Hypotension or low blood pressure occurs when the systolic and diastolic pressures are 90/60 mmHg or lower. Severe low blood pressure can deprive the brain of oxygen and nutrients, leading to a life-threatening condition called shock.

        Varicose Veins are bulging, enlarged, twisted veins. Any vein close to the skin’s surface, called superficial, can become varicose. Any condition that puts pressure on the abdomen can cause varicose veins. Examples include pregnancy, constipation, tumors, etc.

         Tachycardia and Bradycardia are two conditions that occur when the heart beats more than 100 times per minute during rest and less than 60 times per minute, respectively.

         Atherosclerosis is when artery walls thicken due to the accumulation of cholesterol and triglycerides. Multiple plaques form in the artery.

         Heart Failure generally results from any functional or structural cardiac disorder that reduces the heart’s ability to fill with or pump a satisfactory amount of blood through the human body.

        Some other types of heart diseases are articular fibrillation, valvular heart disease, cardiac enlargement, cardiac dilation, and cardiac hypertrophy.

      The primary triggers for CVD or heart diseases are age (45 years of age in males and 55 years of age in females), high blood pressure, and high serum cholesterol levels, which are generally caused by smoking, alcohol consumption, family history, obesity, lack of physical exercise, and stress. Regular prolonged sitting, psychosocial factors, diabetes mellitus, junk food, fried food, processed food, use of sugar-free sweeteners, air pollution, etc. also contribute to its causative factors. Some risk factors, such as age or family history, seem not susceptible to change. Still, several important cardiovascular risk factors are modifiable by naturopathy based lifestyle change, medical treatment, social change, or a combination of these.

General Naturopathy based Treatment for all cardiovascular diseases (CVD) , which patients must follow in all cases

  • A low-fat, high-fiber diet includes whole grains and substituting grains with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. Reduce consumption of grains, pulses, etc. Manage the protein requirement with fox nuts (Makhana) and carbohydrates with raw honey.
  • Reduce cooked food. Switch over to green salad, sprouted grains, steamed vegetables, and Vegetable soup. You can comfortably make soup with Lauki, Parval, Tinda, Gajar, Shaljam, tomato, etc. Bread and rice must be reduced considerably or may even be avoided. Add fresh buttermilk to your daily diet (but not in the evening).
  • Replace regular salt with rock salt, which is full of minerals and contains less sodium chloride than regular salt. The only exception is having a low sodium count in your bloodstream.
  • Replace wheat flour with millet and rice with brown rice. Replace refined sugar with Deshi Khand/ Bura/ jaggery, or the ever best Raw Honey. 
  • Replace your cup of tea/ coffee with our Saumya Herbal Tea specially made by us for CVD, Rheumatism, and Cancer  Take one spoon per cup and boil with water. While boiling, add some fresh ginger. First, let the water boil; when it starts boiling, add some fresh ginger and one spoon of Saumya Herbal Tea.   Boil further for 4 -5 minutes.  Take it like tea. Do not add milk. You can  add raw honey to make it sweeten. Most of the ingredients it contains are  ORGANIC sources.   This tea can also be used as a preventive measure for all cardiovascular diseases, rheumatic diseases, and cancer if used at least twice a day from age 35 years.
  • On an empty stomach, take two cloves of single-clove garlic (Kashmere garlic is single-clove garlic), peel them, slightly crush them, and swallow them with water. Those uncomfortable with its smell may wrap it in jaggery to make a pill and swallow.
  • Take two spoons of coarse powder of dry roasted Flax seeds. Both garlic and flax seeds can be taken together.
  • Avoid fried, processed, junk, and packed ready-to-use foods. There is no harm in consuming a moderate quantity of cow ghee. You should not completely stop taking ghee, and also should not heat it directly on fire. It can be applied to bread and may be added to Dal/ vegetables, but in a moderate quantity, not exceeding two spoons a day.

Completely avoid oil and pasteurized butter. Homemade fresh butter in limited quantities can be used.

  • When having a meal, do not fill your stomach. Just half or a maximum of 3/4th of the stomach is enough. Totally avoid any type of grain in the evening/night. Finish your dinner by 7.00 pm, preferably 6 pm, and have vegetable soup, fruit, etc., for dinner. Refrain always from eating cooked food in the evening/ night. You may take roasted grains in moderate quantities, such as puffed rice, puffed paddy, roasted millet, and roasted gram.
  •  Add plenty of natural Vitamin C to your diet. Lemon water with Raw honey is ideal and is most beneficial to heart patients.
  • Avoid tobacco, second-hand smoke, alcoholic drinks, and aerated/ soft drinks..
  • Control cholesterol and triglycerides but not to subnormal levels. Decrease body fat (BMI)  if overweight or obese;  Avoid psychosocial stress.  Do not lift or drag weight. Do not get tired. Do not do anything in a hurry or at a fast speed. Do everything peacefully and slowly, maintaining your comfort level, but avoid laziness and lethargy.
  • Adopt walking, light exercises,  yoga, and pranayama, every day and follow the general rules of all these.
  • Take a spine bath daily for 30 – 45 minutes. Do not forget to fully cover the chest with a wet, thick cloth or small wet towel.
  • Remain active as far as possible. Do not confine yourself to bed unnecessarily.  Maintain a reasonable combination of activeness and rest.  Increase your physical activity, including exercises, walking, and yoga, in proportion to improvement in your overall health.

Yoga: Tadasana, Bhjangasana, Gomukhasana, Markatasana, Pavan muktasana , Uttanpadasana.

Pranayama:  Anulom Vilom, Bhramari, Udgeeth,

Chanting:  Om, Mahamritunjay mantra, and Gayatri Mantra

Acupressure: Follow the acupressure points presented below:

Specific Treatment (combination of homoeopathy, naturopathy, yoga and acupressure): 

High Blood Pressure:

  • General guidelines as mentioned above.
  • Homeopathic Medicine. Mix (a) Crataegus Q and (b) Terminalia Arjuna Q. Take three times a day, each time 25 drops of each in 100 to 150 ml of water.
  • Butterfly, Balasana, Hastpadungushtasana, Utkatasana, Tadasana, Markatasana, Bhujangasana , Setu Bandhasana , Savasana.
  • Pranayam. Anulom Vilom (30 to 60 Minutes), Bhramari, Udgeet, and Sheetli (5 minutes each). Bhrastika may also be helpful, provided it is done slowly. Both inhale and exhale should be languid, and forceful exhale should not be done at all.

Acupressure. In addition to the points mentioned in general treatment for all CVDs), you should engage with the following:

Low Blood Pressure:

  • Slowdown activities avoid quick changes from one posture to another,
  • Check and maintain sufficient levels of Vitamin B12  
  • Increase water intake. Take plenty of Lemon water with Raw Honey and Salt. You can even take electrolytes.
  • Chew a few Tulsi Leaves and take Tulsi Tea or Herbal tea , or our Saumya Herbal Tea with raw honey.
  • Homeopathic Medicines. Make a mixture of Viscum Album Q + Adonis Vernalis Q + Cactus Grandiflorus Q and Gelsemium Q. Take 50 drops in 100 ml water three times a day. In case of emergency, take 15 drops every 10 Also, take Calc. Sulph 3 X, Kali Phos 3 X, and Natrum Mur 3X, two pills of each, alternate with the above mixture. In non-emergency cases, maintain a 15 to 20-minute gap between both and repeat thrice daily. In an emergency, just one pill of each alternates every 10 minutes. However, if low BP is due to blood loss, take China 6 and Ferrum Metallicum 6, two drops each in 10-15 ml water, and repeat four times daily.
  • Surya namaskar, Ustrasana , Matsyasana , Padma Sarvangasana , Pavan Muktasana. Breathe properly while doing yoga. Switch over slowly from one posture to another and one yoga to another.
  • Bhrastika, Kapalbhati (Breathe deeply—start slowly but increase speed to make it fast and quick), Surya Bhedi—Inhale with the right nostril and exhale with the left. In case of difficulty breathing with the right nostril, lie down on the left side for some time. Right-side respiration will automatically start, which you can feel while keeping your palm on the nostrils. Sit down and start Surya Bhedi Pranayama.

Acupressure. You should engage with the following:

Valvular Disorders:

  • Follow general guidelines for all heart diseases.
  • Do walk, cycling, swimming, and light exercises,
  • Homoeopathic medicines. Write to us for specific consultancy with complete details.
  • Butterfly, Tadasana, Gomukhasana, Pavanmuktasana, Markatasana, Bhujangasana, Savasana.
  • Bhastrika (At a slow pace, do not exhale forcibly), Anulom vilom, Bhramari , Ujjayi, Udgeet, Sheetli.

Acupressure. You should engage with the following:

Angina Pectoris

  • For the treatment of this dreaded disease, initially, for some time, along with homoeopathy, naturopathy, yoga & acupressure, the help of a Cardiologist may or may not be necessary depending upon the patient’s overall health. Even if such assistance is required, you need to find a cardiologist who does not have blind faith in Angiography, Angioplasty, and Bypass surgery, as Angioplasty and Bypass surgery are not the treatments for this disease. If done, problems will reappear in some time. You will have to repeat them many times, and each time you get it done, your general health is bound to deteriorate further. Moreover, after getting it done, you must depend on and take Allopathic medicines for life.

         Further Angiography is needed if you must get Angioplasty or Bypass surgery only. Otherwise, to know whether you have blockages or not, ECG and 2D Echo are enough. Though these cannot tell the exact location of blockage/s, for actual treatment of blockages, it is not necessary to know how many blockages you have and where because treatment is one and same irrespective of having single or multiple blockages, their location, and percentage.

        Moreover, if blockages are present, Angiography can detect locations where the dye will reach, whereas blockages can be found in other places where the dye cannot reach. Still, for your satisfaction, if you want to confirm blockages with their approximate percentage, you may also get CT Angiography done instead of conventional Angiography. CT Angiography is fast and non-invasive and may have fewer complications than traditional. CT Angiography may provide more precise anatomical details than conventional catheter angiography. It may or may not have up to 10% variation, i.e., 90 or more than 90% accuracy only. A catheter or conventional Angiography being invasive carries more risk and complications.

  • You may not solely rely upon our views as expressed in the above paragraphs. You have all the right to get our opinions confirmed by a cardiologist. However, as we mentioned, a cardiologist must not have blind faith in conventional Angiography and, for any reason, is habitual of suggesting it in every case of CVD. In real life, you will find a very limited Cardiologist who will say, “If you do not want Angioplasty/bypass surgery, you may continue on oral medicines only; these will give you symptomatic relief, but no guarantee for life can be given.” Even otherwise, no one can guarantee life, even for a healthy person. However, as we suggested elsewhere on this website, we are not in favor of lifelong medication for any disease, though, in some cases, it may be necessary to take help of these medicines for some time, and even this disease cannot be an exception.

          As we suggested, you need to find a real Cardiologist who does not unnecessarily induce you for Angiography. Though difficult, such cardiologists are also there. We even know one such cardiologist – Dr. Aarti Dave Lalchandani  M.D., D.M. Cardiology, FCSI, FAPVIS, the Principal of GSVM Medical College, Kanpur, and doing her practice also in Kanpur.  We recommend watching her YouTube videos for all cardio patients before deciding to treat this disease. We are sure after watching her videos you will have full confidence in our views on Angiography, Angioplasty, or Bypass.

          For the complete treatment of this dreaded disease, along with proper medication (May it be Allopathy, Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic, or a combination of some or all of these), following naturopathy based treatment is a must. This will lead you towards a natural cure and will save you from lifelong medication.

  • Yoga.   Trikonasana, Tadasana, Gomukhasana, Vrikshasana, Sarvangasana, Padangusthasana, Dhanurasana, , Utkatasana, Bhujangasana, Shavasana.
  • Pranayam. Anulom Vilom (30 – 60 minute), Bhramari (15 times), Udgeet (15 Times). Start Anulom Vilom for 15 minutes, Bhramari, and Udgeet five times each, gradually increasing to the desired level. 
  • Walking is a must. Start with whatever you can and increase in proportion to the improvement that comes. Should you feel pain or Dyspnoea during the walk, sit down for some time and restart as you feel comfortable. Your cardiologist will prescribe Sorbitrate or some similar medicine to be taken on an SOS basis whenever you feel chest pain or discomfort. Taking it during or just before a walk seems to be no harm, but please consult your cardiologist.  Do not try to attain speed during walking, mainly if it causes Dyspnoea, chest pain, or any chest discomfort.  Instead of walking at a fast speed and getting tired early, feeling any discomfort forcing you to rest or stop further walking, it will be better to have a prolonged walk at a slow speed.  Do not exert yourself; improvement will come, and you need to increase your walking in proportion to improvement.
  • Acupressure All the acupressure points as per treatment of High BP.

These four ( Homoeopathy, yoga, pranayama, & walk) are fundamental medicines or practices. Though time-consuming, these practices can lead you toward a permanent cure even if no other medicines are taken. You need to realize that this disease is not a sudden occurrence due to any reason but gets settled at a prolonged rate of hardly 2% per year due to a sedentary life, regularly taking the wrong food and an unhealthy lifestyle. It will take time, may be a few years, to restore your health. Still, one thing is sure that dependance on these will certainly give you much better, comfortable, peaceful, and active life than whatever Angioplasty/ Bye pass surgery, etc. can provide. After one to two years of treatment, serious patients who cannot walk even for two minutes, are continuously walking for one hour at a stretch. However, the utility of taking proper medicines, along with these four measures, cannot be ruled out, and you may consult an appropriate cardiologist, Homoeopath, or Ayurvedic, etc., which may enhance the rate of the path of recovery.

     We cannot prescribe specific homeopathic medicines for this disease except those mentioned in general treatment. The patient needs to have a proper consultation for specific medicines.

  • Varicose veins
    • Follow general treatment of all cardiovascular diseases. Eat a maximum liquid diet and very minimum solid food: buttermilk, Juicy fruits, leafy vegetables, vegetable soup, etc. Eat slowly and chew well. Do not take any weight loss powder or drugs, but keep a healthy weight by reducing food intake, exercising, yoga, and walking.
    • Do not let constipation occur, and take measures as suggested under constipation.
    • Hot and cold fomentation should be done on affected veins.
    • Do not sleep over foam mattresses but use cotton mattresses.
    • While sleeping or lying in bed, keep your legs raised (uplifted). You may put a pillow or similar object below your leg to do so.
    • Do a brisk walk at the maximum possible speed.
    • Do not use high-heeled shoes.         
    • Do not remain in one position for a long time.
    • Drink at least 2.5 to 3 liters of water every day.
    • Massage lower limbs and apply mud on lower limbs for half an hour daily. 

Homoeopathic medicines.

Take Hamamelis 6 and Ferrum Phos 3X, both 3 to 4 times a day, following a gap of 15 to 20 minutes between the two.

  • In case of much pain in the veins, take Pulsatilla 30. Depending upon the severity and need, it can be taken every 30 minutes to 2 hours gap.

In case of vein rupture and bleeding, apply a pad saturated with Hamamelis Q and fix it with some bandage.

  •  Surya Namaskar, Naukasana, Sarvangasana, Shirsasana (do not keep your head on floor/yoga mat but put your palms on mat/floor and revert your body with support of a wall), Uttanpadasana, Tadasana, Gomukhasana, Vipreet Karni, Pawanmuktasana, Balasana, Malasana.
  • Acupressure. You should engage with the following:

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