Diabetes mellitus, more commonly called diabetes, may happen when the body is deficient in producing enough Insulin or when cells fail to absorb and use Insulin optimally. Frequent urination, increased thirst, and hunger are major symptoms of diabetes. The normal blood sugar level of a human being should be within 70 to 100 milligrams per deciliter in fasting conditions and between 135 to 140 milligrams per deciliter after a meal. If the blood sugar level reaches above 180 to 200, this affects the kidney as its capacity to reabsorb glucose is exceeded, and the kidney begins to spill glucose into the urine.
Diabetes is mainly of three types:
- Type 1: This type of diabetes occurs when the human body does not adequately produce enough insulin.
- Type 2: This type of diabetes occurs when the cells of the kidney fail to absorb and use insulin properly.
- Type 3: when pregnant women who did not have a previous diabetes condition develop a high blood glucose level.
Some other types of diabetes are congenital diabetes (caused by genetic defects of insulin secretions), cystic fibrosis diabetes, steroid diabetes, and different forms of monogenic diabetes. Also, a rare form of disease called diabetes insipidus has symptoms similar to diabetes mellitus, but it does not disturb the sugar metabolism level.
Most types of diabetes lead to the risk of long-term complications primarily related to damage of blood vessels and increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Diabetes also leads to damage of small blood vessels and blood vessel development in the retina, which may lead to visual problems like reduced vision or blindness. However, the major complication of diabetes is diabetic neuropathy, which is the impact of diabetes on the kidneys. When a human body suffers from diabetic neuropathy, the nervous system gets affected, which may lead to numbness, tingling, pain in the feet, and increased skin damage. Many times, diabetes neuropathy increases the risk of diabetic foot ulcer, which at times requires amputation.
The general causes of diabetes depend on its type. Type 1 diabetes is primarily inherited and also triggered by certain infections, while lifestyle factors and bad food habits mainly cause Type 2 diabetes. Genetics also has some role in Type 2 diabetes.
Both Type 1 and Type 2 are chronic conditions that cannot be cured by an allopathic mode of treatment and must be managed, i.e., throughout life, the patient has to be on medication and take a lot of precautions. Diabetes without proper treatment can cause many complications, as indicated above. However, our integrated therapy finds it entirely curable, as seen in some examples and case studies. Just after a few months of medications, dietary restrictions, etc., one can get completely rid of the disease without having any side effects. In case diabetes is detected at its early stage, it may take just 2 to 3 months for a cure, after which the patient can lead a normal life without any medication and can moderately consume sugar or its substitutes. In the case of chronic diabetes, it may take a little longer time, from six months to one year, depending on chronicity.
Diabetes Treatment:
- Dietary restrictions must be followed until a patient is completely cured of diabetes. Simple vegetarian food only, without alcohol or tobacco in any form, is a must. Those who cannot follow this need not waste their valuable time following our treatment.
- Reduce your weight if you are overweight.
- If you have a habit of frequent eating, stop it. Follow at least 4 to 5 hours gap between two meals. It will be helpful to totally stop consuming tea, Coffee, etc. Herbal tea can be taken, but not black or green tea.
- Stop consuming sugar, sweets, and sweeteners in any form. Also, stop completely consuming things like Potatoes and rice.
- In the morning, on an empty stomach, slowly chew five leaves of Bael Patra (stone apple leaves) (3X5, each bael leaf has one big and two small leaves). Swallow its juice along with the saliva generated. Residue may either be swallowed or thrown away.
- Take one spoonful of Fenugreek (Methi) powder daily or soak it in a glass of water overnight. Drink the water and chew the Methi.
- Do a brisk morning walk for one hour and ½ an hour in the evening, too. More is still better.
- Substitute at least one bread of your typical grain with Gram and Barley (Jau) (both with their skin) in the diet that you normally use. You may even mix these grains in your regular grain flour.
- Add a few water-soaked Almonds to your morning breakfast. Also, add some fruits to your regular diet. Black plum (Jamun) or, during the off-season, powder of its seed, Peach (Aadu), Papaya, and Lychee are especially beneficial. These should not result in overeating but should be added by reducing bread intake. Lemon is also very beneficial, but its addition in dal, vegetables, salad, etc, will enhance their taste without giving its benefits. To avail the real benefit of it, take lemon water. As an exception, you can take it as many times as you like, but give at least a 1½ hour gap after food and a minimum 30-minute gap before food. You may add Black salt to this water. Also, add buttermilk to your diet, but it should be fresh (not sour).
- Take Homoeopathic (Biochemic) medicines (a) Natrum Sulph 3 X and (b) Natrum Phos 6X4 pills of each 4 to 5 times a day. Do not mix them, but take them separately at an interval of 20 to 30 minutes and repeat 4 to 5 times a day. Also, observe a 30-minute gap between any food and medicine.
- Yoga – Paschimottanasana, Ardhya matsyandrasana, Mandukasana, Tadasana, Vakrasana, Dhanurasana, Pavan Muktasana, Bhujangasana, Balasana, Halasana.
- Pranayama – Kapalbhati, Anulom Vilom, Bhramari.
- Acupressure – Press all the points shown in the picture below. Press each point for 1–2 minutes.
If this disease has been detected recently, there is no need to take Allopathic medicine to manage it. The treatment given here will be cured in just 2 to 3 months. However, those who are already managing this disease with Allopathy are advised to continue the same along with treatment given here for some time and to stop their medicine gradually. Those who are on Insulin need to gradually reduce their dose from time to time through consultation with their doctor.