Diseases Of The
Digestive System

Diseases Of The Digestive System

The digestive system is the most critical system among all our body systems as, in many cases, our food and eating habits become causative factor for many serious diseases. Generally, we assume that eating is necessary to remain energetic. However, it is incorrect. We will not get any energy by eating anything, but energy comes from digestion and absorption of the food taken. If we eat some very rich food full of nutrition but our system fails to digest and absorb it, we will not get any energy.  On the contrary, our system will have to work hard to expel it out of the body, and instead of gaining any energy, some stored energy will be lost. Before understanding digestive system diseases, knowing how our digestive system works and how we can get maximum energy by adequately using it may be relevant. Our digestive system is made up of several organs.

  • Mouth: When food is first consumed (or even smelled), the salivary glands activate and start secreting digestive enzymes to mix with it and enable it to be properly digested in the stomach. Thus, it is important to eat slowly to allow this enzyme to mix appropriately with the food.
  • Esophagus: The esophagus is where the food goes when it is first swallowed. From the esophagus, the food is delivered to the stomach. It transports food from mouth to stomach without undergoing any digestive process here.
  • Stomach: The stomach is considered storage space for food as it continues the breakdown process by its movements and mixes with stomach enzymes. This process is very similar to our making a paste in a mixer grinder. Once the food is thoroughly processed and converted into a paste, it is sent to the small intestine. For example, when making a proper paste, we need to cut the substance into small pieces before putting it in the mixer grinder; we need to chew our food well before sending it to the stomach.
  • Small Intestine: The small intestine has three parts:  duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. Food taken first gets mixed with digestive juices secreted by the mouth and stomach, causing large food molecules to break down into smaller molecules. The body then absorbs these smaller molecules through the walls of the small intestine into the bloodstream, which delivers them to the rest of the body. The small intestine breaks down food further using chemicals released from the pancreas and liver. The liver’s role is crucial during this stage. The role of the liver is explained below.
  • Large Intestine (Colon): The large intestine consists of the cecum that connects the small intestine to the colon. The colon includes the ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid colon. It has three primary functions: absorbing water and electrolytes, producing and absorbing vitamins, and forming and propelling faeces toward the rectum for elimination.
  • Rectum: The rectum connects the colon to the anus. When stool reaches this section of the digestive system, a message is sent to the brain to signal that it is ready to be released.
  • Anus: The anus is the final destination for materials leaving the digestive system. Contents are released from the body as a stool in this organ.
  • Liver’s Role in the Digestive System:  The liver works around the clock to keep us healthy. Its primary functions are bile production and excretion, bilirubin, cholesterol, hormones, and drugs excretion, metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, enzyme activation, glycogen storage, vitamins A, D, E, K, B12, and minerals storage, and synthesis of plasma proteins, such as albumin and clotting factors.

         While the liver (along with the pancreas and gallbladder) is not part of the digestive system, it plays a vital role as food is digested and goes from top to bottom. Anything we eat, whether food, alcohol, medicine, or toxins, gets filtered by the liver. Once we ingest food, it is digested by the stomach and intestine, absorbed into the blood, and goes to the liver.

          The liver’s primary role is to process materials absorbed by the small intestine and produce the necessary chemicals. The liver is the chemical factory of the body.  It processes nutrients so that the rest of the body can use them. It also produces albumin, which enters the bloodstream and helps keep fluid from leaking out of the blood vessels into other tissues. It also carries hormones, vitamins, and enzymes throughout the body. Without enough albumin, fluid can leak out of the blood and build up in the lungs, abdomen (Ascites), or other body parts.

          The liver also creates bile, which converts excess carbohydrates and proteins and stores them for later use. Bile is essential for digestion. It helps the body absorb fat into the bloodstream and carries unusable waste products and toxins out of the body through the stool. Bile is composed mainly of water electrolytes and other substances, including bile salts, cholesterol, bilirubin, lecithin, amino acids, drugs, toxins, heavy metals, and vitamins. The bile has five main functions:

  • Aids in the digestion of fat via fat emulsification.
  • Absorption of fat and fat-soluble vitamins.
  • Excretion of bilirubin and excess cholesterol.
  • Provides an alkaline fluid in the duodenum to neutralize the acidic pH of the chyme that comes from the stomach.
  • It provides bactericidal activity against microorganisms present in the ingested food.

      In fat metabolism, the liver cells break down fat and produce energy. They also create about 800 to 1,000 ml of bile per day. This yellow, brownish, or olive-green liquid is collected in small ducts and then passed to the central bile duct, which carries the bile to a part of the small intestine called the duodenum.

      The liver is one of the largest organs in the body and has many critical metabolic functions. It converts the nutrients in our diets into substances that the body can use, stores these substances, and supplies cells with them when needed. It also takes up toxic substances and converts them into harmless substances or ensures they are released from the body.

Regulation, Detoxification, and Elimination

The liver also breaks down toxic substances like drugs, alcohol, and medicines. It removes them by excreting waste into the blood, which is then cleansed by the kidneys. Waste filtered by the kidneys is then removed from the body through the urine.

           Another role of the liver is to ensure a healthy blood sugar level by removing sugar from the blood and storing it as glycogen. When blood sugar levels are low, the liver will convert the glycogen to glucose, adding an energy boost to the bloodstream. When blood sugar levels are high, the liver can remove glucose from the blood as needed to keep the sugar levels constant.

           The liver also plays a vital role in protein metabolism. Its cells change amino acids in foods so that they can be used to produce energy or make carbohydrates or fats. A toxic substance called ammonia is a by-product of this process. The liver cells convert ammonia to a much less harmful substance called urea, released into the blood. Urea is then transported to the kidneys and passes out of the body in urine.

           The liver produces proteins, some of which are important in blood clotting, with the help of vitamin K. It is also an organ that breaks down old or damaged blood cells.

Digestive Process

     The digestive process consists of secretion in four parts:

  • Mucus: Mucus is rich in bicarbonate. It protects the epithelium from acid and other chemicals by coating and lubricating the gastric surface. 
  • Acid: Hydrochloric acid is secreted from the parietal cell in the lumen, creating an acidic environment. This acid helps activate pepsinogen and inactivate ingested microorganisms like bacteria.
  • Proteases: Proteases are precursors for the initiation of digestion of proteins.
  • Hormones: The principal hormone secreted is gastrin, essential for controlling acid secretion and gastric motility.

Secretion of gastric acid happens in three phases:

  • The Cephalic Phase: 30% of the total gastric acid is produced by anticipation of eating and the smell or taste of food.
  • The Gastric Phase: The stomach’s distention with food stimulates 60% of the acid secretion. Moreover, digestion produces proteins, which causes even more gastrin production.
  • The Intestinal Phase: The remaining 10% of acid secretion happens when chime enters the small intestine and is also stimulated by small intestine distention.

Regulation of secretion

The nervous system and several hormones regulate gastric acid production.  Four types of cells control this process: parietal cells, “G” cells, “D” cells, and enterochromaffin-like cells. 
 Nerves in the stomach secrete two different stimulatory neurotransmitters, acetylcholine and gastrin. They act on parietal cells and mediate gastrin secretion from “G” cells and histamine from enterochromaffin-like cells. Gastrin then stimulates the secretion of histamine.

In the duodenum, sodium bicarbonate neutralizes gastric acid.

Diseases of the Digestive System

Digestive system diseases refer to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and include diseases of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, small intestine (jejunum, ileum), large intestine (ascending, transverse, descending colon, and sigmoid colon), rectum, and associated digestive glands (liver, pancreas, gall bladder, and bile duct).

Some critical diseases of this system are:

  • Hyperacidity /Dyspepsia. This is the most common stomach disease, so you’re not alone. It’s associated with an excess amount of hydrochloric acid. Common symptoms include indigestion, persistent or occasional pain in the upper abdomen or lower chest, bloating, nausea, and vomiting.  Early diagnosis can prevent later developments.

           If a lot of acid accumulates in the stomach, it will prevent the secretion of other digestive juices, which may also result in constipation. The patient may also feel vomiting tendencies, as new food would not be digested by the stomach in the absence of digestive juices. Externally, the stomach could feel stiff because of undigested food.

            Indigestion may arise because of (a) various medications that cause gastric irritation, (b) consumption of lots of acidic food, and (c) stress.

            Dyspepsia can be functional or organic. Functional dyspepsia is caused by impaired gastric juice secretion or infection from certain bacteria. Fast, quick eating, too much eating, frequent eating, having too much fat in the diet, fried food, and overeating may cause functional dyspepsia. Organic dyspepsia is caused by peptic ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease, pancreatic disorders, intolerance to food, etc.

  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). GERD, in everyday language, refers to severe “heartburn.” Sometimes, the valve between the esophagus and the stomach gets weak, due to which stomach acid may reflux back into the esophagus, irritating the wall lining. This results in chest pain, which mimics that of angina.
  • Gastritis refers to inflammation of the lining of the stomach. This may result from excessive alcohol consumption or prolonged use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen, cocaine, radiation, etc. Sometimes, it may also develop after a major surgery, traumatic injury, burns, or severe infections. Sometimes, even Helicobacter pylori bacteria can cause the disease (mainly caused by poor sanitation), chronic bile reflux, and some viruses, parasites, fungi, and bacteria other than Helicobacter pylori may also cause gastritisIt is characterized by abdominal upset or pain, indigestion, bloating, nausea, and vomiting. Sometimes, the patient may feel fullness or burning in the upper abdomen.

           Erosive Gastritis often does not cause significant inflammation but can tear away the stomach lining. Erosive Gastritis can cause bleeding, erosions, or ulcers. In general, any type of Gastritis may be acute or chronic. Chronic Gastritis is a risk factor for peptic ulcers, gastric polyps, and benign and malignant gastric tumors. People with chronic Helicobacter pylori gastritis or autoimmune Gastritis can develop atrophic Gastritis.  Atrophic Gastritis destroys the cells in the abdominal lining that produce digestive acids and enzymes. This may result in two types of cancer – Gastric cancer and gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma.

Peritonitis. Inflammation of the lining of the abdominal cavity is peritonitis. Indications of peritonitis are called “peritoneal signs”: tender abdomen, rebound pain (pain when manual pressure is released from examining abdomen), board-like rigidity of abdominal muscles, and no bowel sounds (gurgles). The peritoneal membrane is very sensitive to exposure to foreign substances. Contact with blood, bile, urine, or pus will cause peritoneal signs.

Ulcer. A stomach, gastric, or peptic ulcer refers to a small erosion (hole) in the gastrointestinal tract. An ulcer is where gastric juices and stomach acid have destroyed tissue. The mucous membrane lining of the digestive tract erodes and causes a gradual breakdown of tissue. This causes a gnawing or burning pain in the upper middle part of the abdomen. Although most peptic ulcers are small, they may cause considerable discomfort. Ulcers may occur at any age but are rare in children and teenagers.

Ulcers do not always cause symptoms. Sometimes, a serious complication such as bleeding is the first sign of an ulcer. Although general symptoms are nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and loss of weight, the most common symptom is abdominal pain. The pain is usually in the upper middle of the abdomen, above the navel, and below the breastbone. The typical pain due to ulcers can be described as:

  • Feeling like burning or gnawing, and it may go through to the back.
  • Pain often comes several hours after a meal when the stomach is empty.
  • The pain is often worse at night and early morning.
  • It can last from a few minutes to several hours.
  • The pain may be relieved by food, antacids, or vomiting.

Very severe ulcers sometimes cause bleeding in the stomach or duodenum. Bleeding can be fast or slow. Fast bleeding reveals itself in one of the following ways:

  • Vomiting of blood or dark material that looks like coffee. This is an emergency and warrants an immediate visit to an emergency department.
  • Blood in the stool or black, tarry, sticky-looking stools.
  • Slow bleeding is often more challenging to detect because it has no dramatic symptoms. The ultimate result is anemia.

Helicobacter pylori is the etiological factor, making an ulcer three to six times more likely to develop stomach cancer.

  • Fatty Liver. Fatty liver is a condition in which fat deposits in the liver and hinders the organ’s proper functioning. It also slows down the bile and insulin production needed for the body’s proper function. Excess fat can lead to permanent scarring or liver failure.
  • Gallstones. Gallstones are hardened deposits of bile that can form in the gallbladder. Bile is a digestive fluid produced in the liver and stored in the gallbladder—the gallbladder contracts and empties bile into the small intestine (duodenum) when we eat. Gallstones may vary in size from as small as a grain of sand to as large as a ball. The formation of gallstones can be singular or multiple at a time.

         Some gallstones may cause no signs or symptoms. However, if a gallstone lodges in a duct and causes a blockage, the resulting signs, and symptoms may include (a) sudden and rapidly intensifying pain in the upper right portion or centre of the abdomen just below the sternum, (b) back pain between the shoulder blades (c) pain in your right shoulder and (d) nausea and vomiting. Gallstone pain may last several minutes to a few hours.

        The exact cause of gallstones is not clear. Most probable causes may include too much cholesterol in bile or diet than what it can dissolve, too much bilirubin in bile (which may be due to cirrhosis of the liver, biliary tract infections, and certain blood disorders), and a situation when the gallbladder does not empty entirely or enough.

         Advanced science has no cure for both fatty liver and gallstones except surgical removal of the gallbladder itself. However, our therapy is capable enough of curing fatty liver and, melting gallstones and removing them naturally.

  •  Jaundice. Jaundice is a yellowish pigmentation of the skin, the conjunctival membranes (whites of the eyes), and other mucous membranes. The leading cause is hyperbilirubinemia (increased bilirubin levels in the blood). Bilirubin is a waste product formed when old red blood cells are broken down. Usually, Bilirubin is extracted from the bloodstream by the liver, collected in the gallbladder as bile, passed down the bile duct into the intestine, and excreted in the faeces. It is responsible for changing the color of faeces to brownish yellow. When bile, instead of going into the intestine, goes into the bloodstream, jaundice takes place. It is indicated by yellow discoloration of the skin, especially on the palms and the soles. Increased intake of oily, spicy, sour, salty, acidic, and very hot food; alcohol (Whenever the liver filters the consumed alcohol, specific liver cells die. In due course liver may reduce or even lose its regenerative capability); sleeping in the daytime; excessive physical work; suppressing natural urges of the body; overindulgence in sexual activity; and psychological factors like lust, fear, anger, and stress can cause jaundice. Inflammation of the liver, excessive circulation of bile pigments in the blood, impairment of liver function, excessive destruction of red blood cells, viral infection (Epstein-Barr virus), and some other disease conditions like tuberculosis, malaria, Hepatitis A, B, and C, D also causes jaundice. Lack of B12 vitamin in the body accompanied by Pernicious anemia and prolonged consumption of synthetic medications may also be responsible for the occurrence of jaundice. Certain medications impair the flow of bile; as a result, the patient experiences issues such as pale skin, loose stool, dark urine, and stomach pain.
  • Hepatitis. Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that may lead to various health problems, some of which can be fatal. There are five main strains of the hepatitis virus, referred to as types A, B, C, D, and E. While they all cause liver disease, they differ in important ways, including modes of transmission, severity of the illness, and geographical distribution. Hepatitis B and C lead to chronic disease in hundreds of millions of people and, together, are the most common cause of liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, and viral hepatitis-related deaths. The main causative factors of Hepatitis are:
  • Immune cells in the body attacking the liver.
  • Infections from viruses (such as hepatitis A, B, or C), bacteria, or parasites.
  • Liver damage from alcohol or poison.
  • Medicines, such as an overdose of acetaminophen.
  • Fatty liver.

        The hepatitis virus is transmissible when blood, semen, or another bodily fluid from a person with the virus enters the body of an individual who does not have it. More specifically, the infection can occur when a woman having this infection gives birth (to a newly born child), during sexual activity, because of sharing needles, syringes, or other drug injection devices, as a result of practicing unsafe tattoo techniques, by sharing personal hygiene items, such as razors and toothbrushes, etc. Acute symptoms appear around 60–150 days after exposure to the virus, and can last from several weeks to six months. A person with a chronic infection may have ongoing episodes of abdominal pain, persistent fatigue, and aching joints. If infection does cause symptoms early, they may include fever, joint pain, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, dark urine, clay-colored stool, and yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes (jaundice).

      Hepatitis is not curable by modern advanced medical science.  Anti-viral medication is tried to cure, and if the infection starts causing permanent liver damage, a liver transplant is the only option for probable survival. “A vast majority in the area relied on alternate systems of medicine for Hepatitis A therapy, depicting its potential advantages over modern system of medicine in the treatment of this specific condition. Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Siddha and Unani comprised the four dominant alternate systems of medicine relied on by Hepatitis. A patients in the area. A collaborative effort between government, modern medicine and alternate medicine system can be highly effective in reducing the outbreaks of such epidemics through proper preventive and therapeutic strategies. It is vital to conceive integrative therapeutic strategies and propagate these notions from primary levels, thereby benefitting the community as a whole” [Chandrakumar, A., Xavier, A., Xavier, A., Manakkadiyil, A., Reghu, A., & Thomas, L. (2016). Implications of traditional medicine in the treatment of Hepatitis A in Kerala. Journal of traditional and complementary medicine, 6(3), 316-320, pp. 319-320]. In our opinion, the same is the position in the case of jaundice and other Liver diseases. However, sufferers of this disease, as well as from jaundice and also any other Liver problem, need not worry as our integrated therapy is capable enough to take care of it and cure the disease instead of simply managing it.

  • Cirrhosis:   Cirrhosis  is a  degenerative disease of the liver that often develops in chronic alcoholics but can have other causes like Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Fatty liver disease, or even idiopathic (i.e., unknown causes), though seldom.

         Cirrhosis is characterized by damage and replacement of normal liver tissue by fibrosis, scar tissue, and regenerative nodules (lumps that occur due to a process in which damaged tissue is regenerated), leading to loss of liver function. Cirrhosis is most commonly caused by alcohol abuse.  Though alcohol affects many organs, it is especially harmful to the liver.  It destroys liver cells and robs them of their ability to regenerate. Co-factors such as the Hepatitis C virus can increase the risk of cirrhosis.  It is the final phase of alcoholic liver disease. Symptoms of Cirrhosis may not be present until the disease is advanced.  It leads to reduced immunity, repeated infections, fatigue, jaundice, breast development in males, vomiting of blood, etc. Ascites (fluid retention in the abdominal cavity) is the most common complication of cirrhosis.

        According to modern medical science, Cirrhosis is generally not curable, and treatment usually focuses on preventing progression and complications. In advanced stages of Cirrhosis, the only option is a liver transplantation.

Treatment  based on Homoeopathy, Naturopathy, yoga and Acupressure based therapies :

Most important Naturopathy : Naturopathic treatment for all Digestive system diseases focuses on regulating diet and improving digestion and absorption. In serious diseases, additional measures may also be suggested. Proper diet, exercise, yoga, pranayama, and medicines are equally important. These guidelines are crucial in all cases of digestive system disorders. It is imperative to adhere to them for your health and well-being.

  • Avoid non-vegetarian food, including eggs, alcohol, tobacco, any addiction, smoking, etc.
  • Avoid fried food, processed food, junk food, stale food, acidic food, fridged food, spiced food, pickles, cold drinks, aerated drinks etc.
  • Avoid tea and coffee.  Herbal tea is an exception rather than an effective medicine, but it must be taken because of its inherent preventive and curative properties and low calories. This tea should be taken without adding milk. If you wish, you can simply add Raw Honey to sweeten it. It is a very good natural antioxidant, but adding milk destroys its Antioxidant properties. Without adding milk, it can be taken many times a day.
  • Avoid maida and besan.
  • Eat slowly, chew well, and eat timely—neither too frequently nor too late. Follow a 4 – 5-hour gap between two meals and maintain a 2½ to 3-hour gap between the last meal and going to bed for the day. Do not overeat. Instead, eat less.
  • Take fresh lemon water at least once or twice, either with black salt or raw honey. In case of ulcers, jaundice, hepatitis, cancer, etc., with Raw Honey only. It is a myth that citrus fruits are acidic. Apparently, they are acidic, but after digestion, they leave alkaline ash only. Hence, they must be taken for all such diseases, and they will act as a medicine only.
  • The diet should include plenty of fruits, green vegetables, salad, uncooked sprouted grains, and Buttermilk. For details on fruits and green vegetables, please refer to ‘Secret of Wellbeing.’ However, diets for ulcers, jaundice, hepatitis, cancer, etc., need very special consultancy.
  • Acupressure : Find below acupressure points for all diseases of the digestive system:

                                                                                                For colitis

                                                                                                                For stomach pain          For Appendicitis                  For diarrhoea  


                                                                                                                                                             Left only                                                      right only

                                                                     Just below the ribs   


Treatment of Dyspepsia, Gastritis, & Gallstones

  • Follow all the measures mentioned in “It is imperative to adhere to them for your health and well-being.”
  • Yoga. Regularly do light exercises and Yoga—Surya Namaskar, Vajrasana, Pawan Muktasana, Ustrasana, Paschimottasana, Sarvagasana, and Dhanurasana are beneficial. In the case of Gallstones, in addition to the above, do Bhujangasana, Shalbhasana, Narayanasana, and Supta Matsyendrasana. Regarding Dyspepsia and Gastritis, Kunjal is very advantageous, but heart and lung patients should not do this.
  • Pranayama. Kapalbhati, Anulom Vilom, Bhramari, Agnisaar, Ujjayi.
  • Medicines

Dyspepsia & Gastritis

  • In all cases, the Ayurvedic medicine Hingwaashtaka Churna with a glass of buttermilk before lunch and dinner.
  • Homeopathy : In addition, select one according to symptoms from the following homeopathic medicine/s—4 times a day:
  • General Medicine for Acidity—Acid Sulph 30.
  • Gastralgia and eructation of wind—Argentum Nitricum 30.
  • Everything consumed raises acid, ravenous hunger, offensive white stool—Calcarea  Carbonica  30.
  • Regurgitation of food-tasting acid an hour after eating—Sulphur 30.
  • Distended feeling after the most minimal food, constipation, and sleepiness after dinner—Lycopodium 30.
  • With much flatulence, belching of winds, cutting pains in the chest— Carbo Veg 30.
  • Dyspepsia Dyspepsia of drunkards, vomiting, constipation— Nux Vomica 30.
  • The feeling of a stone in the stomach, sharp pain from the abdomen to the back of the chest, between the shoulders, and biliousness—Bryonia 30.
  • Cravings for meat, pickles, and other coarse food, a tendency to eat far beyond one’s capacity for digestion, burning, and distention of the stomach and abdomen with palpitation—Abies Canadensis 6.
  • Burnt feeling in tongue, longing for indefinite things, for spiced food, offensive eructation, nausea not relieved by vomiting, bitter vomiting with headache—Sanguinaria Canadensis 30.
  • Blisters on the tongue, loss of taste, loss of desire for tobacco in smokers, intense thirst, heartburn, heart distress, palpitation, throbbing in epigastrium after food, fermentation in the abdomen, constipation with hard, dry, unsatisfactory stools, feeling as if part remained behind— Natrum Mur 6X.
  • From eating fatty food, bowels loose or regular— Pulsatilla 30.
  • Eructation of wind and fluid tasting of food taken— Antimonium Crudum 30.
  • Sour or putrid eructation, goneness after eating, alternate diarrhea, and constipation— Hydrastis Q.


  • At the commencement, when there is fever, anxiety, and abdominal pain—  Aconite 30. Suppose it does not improve within 24 hours— Sulphur 30.
  • When effusion occurs, there is much pain, not much fever— Cantheris 30.
  • Considerable fever, violent, sharp pain, much effusion—Bryonia 30.
  • Gripping cutting pains, abdomen much swollen, excessively tender, tenesmus— Cor 30.
  • With inflammation of the eardrum, irritable abdominal pain— 30.
  • A feeling as if a spot were gripped with nails— Belladonna 30.
  • Too much-distended abdomen with constipation and flatulence, pains shooting from right to left— Lycopodium 30.
  • Swollen abdomen, unquenchable thirst (Drinks little at a time), extreme chills, and symptoms that worsen at night—Arsenic 30.
  • Stinging pains, intolerance of heat and the slightest touch, afternoon aggravations, constricted sensation, feeling of injury when sneezing, thirstless—Apis Mel 30.


  • Berberis Vulgaris Q (30 drops in 100 ml water) and Silicia 12X alternate at a 20-minute gap. Repeat four times a day!   
  • During an attack of pain—Calcarea Carb 30 every 10 minutes or Magnesia Phos 3X – 2 pills every 10 minutes with hot water. Drink plenty of hot water and apply hot fomentation to the painful area.
  • During recovery, sometimes urine symptoms may also pop up. In such a situation, take Cantharis 6 every 10 minutes.
  • After stones are fully drained out, to arrest recurrence, take China 6 twice daily for seven days, then alternate days for four days and once a week for one month. Also, take Carduus Marianus Q 30 drops twice daily for one month.

Fatty Liver

        Naturopathy :

  • Stop consuming fat, fried, processed, and junk food, alcohol, tobacco/ smoke, aerated drinks, etc. Reduce your intake of salt. 
  • Take plenty of seasonal fruits (especially lemon, papaya, and citrus fruit), leafy and green vegetables, radishes with leaves, green vegetable soup, and amla (if green amla is not available because it is off-season, take its powder along with water or raw honey.)
  • Take plenty of herbal tea. Drink plenty of water.
  • Regularly do light exercises, Yoga (as mentioned above), and walk.
  • Homeopathy :  Chelidonium Q 30 drops in about 100 ml water 4 – 5 times daily.

Hepatitis and Jaundice

Treatment of both is the same. 

  •  Do not take antiviral medicines at the outset. This is not a cure for chronic conditions. However, it can stop the virus from replicating and prevent its progression into advanced liver disease. Similar results will certainly be observed with the following treatment without any side effects.

Naturopathy :     

  • Apply mud pack twice a day for 30 -40 minutes each time  on the hepatic region ( the area of the abdomen beneath which the liver is situated)
  • Apply ½ inch thick wet cloth from the lower chest to the whole abdomen. Wrap it with a dry cloth and above it a woollen cloth.  Please keep it for one hour every alternate day.
  • Apply hot and cold packs in the hepatic region for 40 -50 minutes.
  • Walk for 30 minutes or so, slowly (depending on your energy level).

Yoga  : Do Kapal Bhati and Anulom Vilom. If you cannot do these seated, do them while lying in bed.

Naturopathy : Stop intake of salt and solid food. Until the energy comes to do Yoga, be on fresh fruit juice, sugarcane juice, lemon water with raw honey, and plenty of herbal tea. Do not try to take even these forcibly; if you are not 

feeling hungry enough or feeling nausea and vomiting, avoid even fresh fruit juice.  Remember the basic principle of eating or drinking only those things and in that much quantity which gets digested, absorbed, and converted into

energy. Otherwise, the extra load will be levied on the liver to expel it from the body while the functioning of the liver is already impaired.

  • As the energy comes, start performing Dhanurasana, Bhujangasana, Balasana, Naukasana, Shalbhasana, Gomukhasana, and Ardh Matseyendrasana. When you become energetic enough to do at least four of the above Yoga poses,
  • Depending on your energy level and body’s ability to digest, you can add papaya, citrus fruits, grapes, pears, apples, musk melon, pomegranate, and litchi. Buttermilk can also be added.
  • After some more energy comes and you can do all the above Yoga and walk properly, steamed vegetables (carrot, bottle gourd, round gourd, pointed gourd, ridge gourd, radish, turnip, leafy vegetables) can also be added to your diet. You may also consume vegetable soup of the above vegetable. You may also add minimal salt to your diet. You may also consume puffed paddy and puffed rice. About 8-10 days after this, you may have thin Khichadai for lunch made of low-grade, easily digestive rice (not Basmati rice), moong dal with skin, and some of the above vegetables. You should limit dinner to only fruits, steamed vegetables, puffed paddy, and puffed rice.
  • Lemon juice with raw honey is a must from the beginning till a few months after recovery.
  • If you are lucky enough to have a papaya tree within reach, take one or two drops of its milk in a sugar plum (Batasha) and eat it on an empty stomach since starting your treatment. To get milk from the papaya tree, scratch the tree a little bit at some spot, and one or two drops of its milk will ooze out. Collect the milk in Batasha and take it. 
  • Homeopathy :
  • Carduus Marianus Q – 30 drops in about 100 ml water.
  • Chelidonium Majus Q – 30 drops in about 100 ml water. Alternate both at an interval of 20 minutes and repeat 4-5 times a day.
  • In the case of newborns/infants – Lupulus 6

If need be, contact us for specific consultancy.

  • Ulcers, Cancer, and Cirrhosis are diseases of specific consultancy only and can be treated well with the combined efforts of Homoeopathy, naturopathy, Yoga and Acupressure