Diseases Of The Old Age

Diseases Of The Old Age

Old age diseases may be classified in two groups – general and specific.  General diseases such as cancer, chronic kidney disease, digestive problems, urological problems, high blood pressure, heart blockages, stroke, and other heart problems, paralysis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, depression, hearing loss, vision loss etc. All such problems can take place without age factor even and have been dealt with in respective chapters by us in this website. Specific age related diseases are as under : –

 DEMENTIA :  Dementia is a collection of chronic conditions  in old age  that lead to problems with memory and cognition. This occurs when there is damage to brain cells or a loss of connection between cells that causes them to die. Symptoms of dementia include –

  • Memory loss
  • Difficulty with verbal expression
  • Struggles with visual or spatial abilities
  • Trouble with problem-solving or reasoning
  • Difficulty managing complex tasks, critical thinking skills, planning, and organization
  • Decline in coordination with motor functions
  • Confusion and disorientation
  • Personality changes
  • Inappropriate behaviour
  • Depression, anxiety, paranoia, and agitation
  • Hallucinations

ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE : Alzheimer’s disease is a specific type of dementia which is a  disorder and a slow and gradual disease that begins in the part of the brain that controls the memory. As it spreads to other parts of the brain, it affects a greater number of intellectual, emotional and behavioral abilities. There is no known cause for this disease. As a person grows older, he is at greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s. After 60, the risk is one in 20, but after 80 it is one in five.” No one knows why it happens, but it occurs when cells in the brain start dying. It is degenerative and leads to progressive mental deterioration. Symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease are as follows : –

  • Trouble remembering details about people, places, or events
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Changes to one’s personality like disinterest, suspicion, or aggression
  • Apathy and depression
  • Mood changes
  • Confusion
  • Impaired judgement or decision-making abilities
  • Difficulty with speaking, swallowing, or walking

PARKINSON’S DISEASE : Parkinson’s disease is another type of dementia. This progressive disease is caused by a loss of nerve cells in the brain, which reduces the amount of dopamine necessary for normal cognitive functioning. While there is no cure, the symptoms can be treated. Here is what to look out for:

  • Involuntary shaking of particular parts of the body
  • Muscles that are stiff and inflexible
  • Slow movement


Such specific diseases being progressive in nature are difficult to completely cure and their treatment is focused on management principle only.  However, Homoeopathic medicines in association with other therapies adopted by us will certainly manage such diseases also successfully.  It is always better to adopt preventive measures well before reaching old age.  If adopted one can refrain himself from such diseases. All the measures given below are both preventive as well as curative also.

  • Take tooth decay as a warning signal to change food habits in accordance to your overall health condition instead of trying to satisfy tastebuds by visiting dentist for tooth replacement.
  • Ensure that vital organs such as heart, lungs, liver, kidney endocrine gland are working properly. Any disparity to these organs should not be ignored and must be treated immediately.
  • keep yourself mentally busy. Take part in activities such as dancing, games, yoga and meditation. Read books, play board games and interact with other people to enhance the quality of your life.  Start light exercises, yoga and morning walk.
  • Quit smoking, alcoholism, switch to vegetarian diet comprising of more liquids and less solid food. Eat a balanced nutritious diet. Cut Fat,  & Carbs .  Take low calorie diet. Totally stop use of saturated fat and refined sugars. Uncooked food is the best.
  • Keep blood checked  regularly and maintain a healthy level of Vitamin B, D and Folic acid with a natural way without taking their supplements. Except for the three vitamins – D, K, and Biotin, all vitamins can be found in fruits & vegetables. Increase their intake in raw form (without cooking), let vegetable juice/ smoothies , beetroot, leafy green vegetables. milk, buttermilk, and fruits, specially citrus fruits, fresh berries strawberry, blueberry etc, water soaked nuts be your main diet.  Totally avoid processed food, junk food, stale food frozen food, biscuits etc.
  • Stop taking tea and coffee because tannin content in these do significantly restrict absorption of essential minerals and vitamins those are required in more than normal quantities for such disease.  Replace your cup of tea or green tea with herbal tea made of fresh ginger, tulsi, lemon grass, Kashmere kehwa, guava leaf,  mango leaf tea or our Saumya Herbal tea.
  • Add fresh lemon juice with Raw Honey to your diet atleast two/ three times a day.   
  • Let your body absorb sufficient sunlight in the morning.
  • Read “Secret of well being” chapter on our website and follow it.

For Homoeopathic medicines, Yoga and Acupressure write to us with detailed medical history and problems for specific consultancy. Generally, such diseases are associated with some or many other problems also hence a proper treatment can not be advised here and need to be suggested taking overall mental, emotional and physical health into account.