Diseases Of The
Respiratory System
Diseases Of The Respiratory System
Respiratory diseases are conditions that affect the tissues involved in breathing, which include lungs and airways. Diseases of the respiratory system may affect any of the structures and organs that have to do with breathing, including the nasal cavities, the pharynx (throat), the larynx, the trachea (windpipe), the bronchi and bronchioles, the tissues of the lungs, and the respiratory muscles of the chest cage.
The respiratory tract provide a field for a large numbers of disorders for three main reasons: (1) it is exposed to the environment which may be easily affected by inhaled organisms, dusts, or gases; (2) it consist of a large network of capillaries which give passage to the entire output of the heart to pass out, thus diseases affecting the small blood vessels are likely to affect the lungs; and (3) it provides a field of “sensitivity” or allergic phenomena that may profoundly affect functioning of the respiratory tract.
Respiratory diseases can broadly be classified in two categories (a) Acute respiratory diseases those last for a few days and Chronic those last a most long period . While acute respiratory diseases may be caused due to virus, bacterial infection etc; Smoking being the most common risk factors of chronic respiratory diseases. In addition to smoking, other risk factors include air pollution, occupational chemicals and dusts, and frequent lower respiratory infections during childhood. Chronic respiratory diseases are common throughout the world. According to the world health organisation “ CRDs are not curable; however, various forms of treatment that help open the air passages and improve shortness of breath can help control symptoms and improve daily life for people living with these conditions”.
Croup, Rhinitis, Bronchitis, Sinusitis, Pleurisy, Pneumonia are some common acute respiratory disorders while COPD, OSA, Pulmonary hypertension, Asthma are common most chronic respiratory disorders. Preventive measures include avoiding smoking, secondhand smoke, Alcohol, air pollution, chemical fumes, obesity, and stress; taking balanced diet, regular exercises, walk, yoga and pranayama.
CROUP : Croup mostly occurs in younger children. It is a respiratory illness of the trachea, larynx, and bronchi that can lead to inspiratory stridor and barking cough. Croup refers to an infection of the upper airway, which becomes narrow, making it harder to breathe. Croup also causes a cough that sounds like barking.
The cough and other signs and symptoms of croup are the result of swelling and irritation around the voice box (larynx), windpipe (trachea) and bronchial tubes (bronchi). When a cough forces air through this narrowed passageway, the swollen vocal cords produce a noise like a seal barking. Taking a breath often produces a high-pitched whistling sound called stridor which is a raspy, vibrating sound that occurs when the child is breathing in. Croup often begins as an ordinary cold. Croup is usually mild but symptoms can become severe and life-threatening. Swelling, irritation and coughing, can develop Loud barking cough which gets worse by crying and coughing, and develops anxiety, distress, fever , hoarse voice, rash, eye redness, swollen lymph nodes, difficult, noisy or laboured breathing, restlessness or nervousness, retractions (sucking in the skin around the child’s ribs and the top of their breast bone), cyanosis (blue-tinged skin).
Croup in babies is most common, along with children younger than 3 years old. As children get older, windpipes of children get larger and swelling is less likely to get in the way of their breathing. The most common cause of croup is parainfluenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus, measles and adeno virus, but a bacterial infection can also cause it, and make the viral infection more complicated and further difficult to breathe. Crop is highly contagious When someone with a viral or bacterial infection that can cause croup sneezes or coughs, they send respiratory droplets containing croup-causing germs into the air. When a child breathes in these droplets, it can cause croup. Children can also get croup by touching objects contaminated by germs that cause croup.
RHINITIS : Rhinitis can be allergic (Hay fever) or non-allergic though symptoms of both are almost common. It is characterized by an inflammation of the nasal membranes and the general symptoms include sneezing, nasal congestion, itching and running nose. One may need skin or blood tests to find out if it is allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis (Hay Fever) is commonly caused by allergic reactions to pollen, molds, dust mites, animal hair, pets, industrial chemicals and also some kind of food the person is allergic to. This condition though is not life threatening it causes misbalance in the quality of life. Plants that cause hay fever are trees, grasses, and ragweed. Their pollen is carried by the wind. Flower pollen is carried by insects and does not cause hay fever. Types of plants that cause hay fever vary from person to person and from area to area. The amount of pollen in the air can affect whether hay fever symptoms develop or not. Hot, dry, windy days are more likely to have a lot of pollen in the air. On cool, damp, rainy days, most pollen is washed to the ground.
Hay fever and allergies often run in families. If father and mother both or any one of them have hay fever or other allergies, children are likely to have hay fever and allergies, too. The chance is higher if mother has allergies. Soon after coming into contact with the substance the person is allergic to may include – itchy nose, mouth, eyes, throat, skin, or any area, Problems with smell, Runny nose, Sneezing, Watery eyes. Afterwards the symptoms may change to – stuffy nose (nasal congestion), coughing, clogged ears and decreased sense of smell, sore throat, dark circles under the eyes, puffiness under the eyes, fatigue and irritability, headache etc.
Non-allergic rhinitis often come and go year round and may cause sneezing or a stuffy, drippy nose , mucus in the throat, cough. Generally it do not cause itchy nose, eyes or throat those are most common in the case of allergic one. It can be a long-term problem, and it has no clear cause. Non-allergic rhinitis can affect children and adults; though it is more common after 20s. Factors that trigger the symptoms vary from person to person. The triggers can include dust, fumes and other irritants in the air, weather changes, medicines, hot or spicy foods, long-term health problems.
In modern medical science, no drug has so far been invented to cure rhinitis. There is no use in administering allopathic drugs which only add on to the already toxic state of the body vitals. They lower the already lowered state of the immune system. Our integral therapy comprising of Homoeopathy, naturopathy, Yoga and Acupressure can take best care of such conditions.
SINUSITIS : Sinusitis also known as rhinosinusitis, is an inflammation, or swelling, of the tissue lining of the sinuses. The sinuses are cavities/empty spaces, or air-filled pockets, that are near the nose passage. Sinuses make mucus, which keeps the inside of the nose moist. That, in turn, helps protect against dust, allergens, and pollutants. Bacterial infections, viral infections and allergies can irritate them, causing them to get filled with fluid and blocked. There are four pairs of sinuses located at :
Above the eyes
Between the eyes
Behind the nose
Under the eyes, behind cheeks
There are 4 types of sinusitis:
Acute. Symptoms last less than 4 weeks and get better with the right care.
Subacute. This type of infection does not get better with treatment at first. Symptoms last 4 to 8 weeks.
Chronic. Chronic infection happens with repeated or poorly treated acute infections. These symptoms last 8 weeks or longer.
Recurrent. If one have 3 or more episodes of acute sinusitis in a year, it is called recurrent.
Most common symptoms of a sinusitis include – Postnasal drip (mucus dripping down throat), Runny nose with thick yellow or green mucus , Stuffy nose, Facial pressure (particularly around nose, eyes and forehead). This might get worse with movement of head around or bend over, pressure or pain in teeth, ear pressure or pain, fever, bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth, cough, headache, tiredness etc. Viruses, bacteria, fungi and allergens can cause sinusitis. Specific triggers for sinusitis include – common cold, flu (influenza), Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria, Haemophilus influenza bacteria, Moraxella catarrhalis bacteria, and Nasal and seasonal allergies. Sinus attacks may specifically come when the air trapped in the sinus along with pus applies pressure on the sinus wall. Also when the para-nasal sinus is deprived of air primarily by a swollen membrane, it can lead to severe pain in the sinus area. Typical characteristics of sinusitis are: headache on waking up in the morning, heaviness in the head while bending down, localized pain in forehead or eyebrow, eyes and eyelids, running nose, constant sneezing, fever, sore throat and bad breath
BRONCHITIS : Bronchitis is characterized by an intense or continuing bronchi and bronchial tube inflammation caused mainly due to infection. Typical the cells that make up the bronchi or the bronchial tube (which are responsible for trapping and eliminating air pollutants become irritated) begin to secret excessive fluid due to the inflammation and hence produce excessive mucous which again causes coughing and wheezing. The major factors leading to bronchial infection are bacteria, virus, smoking, inhaling chemical pollutants and dust. Most smokers of cigarette continue to suffer from acute bronchial conditions. During the first few days of illness, it can be difficult to distinguish the signs and symptoms of acute bronchitis from those of a common cold. During the physical exam, the doctor will use a stethoscope to listen closely to the lungs sound on breathing. In some cases, the doctor may suggest tests those may include chest X-Ray, Sputum test and Pulmonary function test.
Bronchitis can be acute or chronic. Acute bronchitis usually has a cough that lasts around three weeks, and is also known as a chest cold. In more than 90% of cases, the cause is a viral infection. These viruses may be spread through the air when people cough or by direct contact. A small number of cases are caused by a bacterial infection such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae or Bordetella pertussis. Risk factors include exposure to tobacco smoke, dust, and other air pollution. Chronic bronchitis is defined as a productive cough – one that produces sputum – that lasts for three months or more per year for at least two years. Many people with chronic bronchitis also have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Tobacco smoking is the most common cause, with a number of other factors such as air pollution and genetics playing a smaller role.
PLEURISY : Pleurisy is an inflammation of the pleura which is the lining surrounding the lungs.. Lungs and the inside of the chest each are lined with a thin layer called pleura. The space between them (pleural space) is filled with fluid that allows them to slide smoothly along each other to breathe. When one or both layers become swollen (inflamed), they rub painfully against each other . The main symptom of pleurisy is sharp, stabbing chest pain, coming from one specific place that gets terrible on deep breathing or coughing and sometimes spreads to shoulder or back. Pleurisy may be associated with shortness of breath , cough and fever. There are many causes of pleurisy but the most common is viral infection disseminating from the lungs to pleura. Subsequently as the lungs expand to breath in air the pleural layers rub against each other leading to inflammation. This results into acute pain when breathing, coughing or laughing.
Persons above 65 age, having autoimmune diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis or familial Mediterranean fever (FMF), Lung or pleural disease such as lung cancer, mesothelioma, tuberculosis or asbestosis, Chest surgery or trauma, blood clot in the lung (pulmonary embolism), Inflammatory bowel disease, and Sickle cell disease are most likely to get pleurisy. Certain medications may also be responsible for it. To diagnose pleurisy, the doctor will listen to lungs sound, may even get X-Ray, and may want to get imaging or other tests done such as Blood test, ECG, C T Scan, Ultrasound, Fluid testing (thoracentesis ), Thoracoscopy etc.
PULMONARY EMBOLISM : Pulmonary embolism is a life threatening medical emergency caused due to blockage of the main artery of the lung or its branches by a substance which travelled through bloodstream from some other part of the body. The most common cause of pulmonary embolism is a blood clot in the deep veins of pelvis or legs which may travel though the bloodstream to the lungs. This disease generally leads to cardio-respiratory problems as it leads to extensive pressure on the lungs and on the right ventricle of the heart. Major symptoms of pulmonary embolism are deep breathing, chest pain, palpitations and rapid heart rate. The heart, arteries, capillaries, and veins make up the body’s circulatory system. Blood is pumped with great force from the heart into the arteries. From there blood flows into the capillaries (tiny blood vessels in the tissues). Blood returns to the heart through the veins. As it moves through the veins back to the heart, blood flow slows. Sometimes this slower blood flow may lead to clot formation.
Risk factors for pulmonary embolism may include – Genetic conditions, family history of blood clotting disorders, surgery or injury (especially to the legs) or orthopaedic surgery, situations in which mobility is limited, such as extended bed rest, flying or riding long distances, or paralysis, older age, cancer and cancer therapy, certain medical conditions, such as heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), high blood pressure, stroke, and inflammatory bowel disease, certain medicines, birth control pills, during and after pregnancy, after caesarean, obesity, varicose veins, smoking etc.
Though, person may have different symptoms still most common symptoms of pulmonary embolism may include sudden shortness of breath (most common), chest pain (usually worsen with breathing, dizziness, light headedness, fainting, irregular heartbeat, palpitation, cough and/or coughing up blood, sweating, low blood pressure, pain in the affected leg specially on standing or walking, swelling in the leg, soreness, tenderness, redness, and/or warmth in the legs, redness and/or discoloured skin etc. Diagnosis of pulmonary embolism is a little difficult task because its symptoms are most common in many other diseases. Test required to diagnose include blood test, X-Ray, ECG, Ventilation – perfusion scan, pulmonary angiogram, CT or CAT scan, MRI, and Duplex ultrasound.
PNEUMONIA: Pneumonia is a condition caused by lung infection, which may be caused by microorganisms like bacteria, virus, fungus or parasites. When these microorganisms enter the human body and try to multiply, the human immune system fights with them. However, when this fight happens in lungs, the sacs in lungs get filled up with fluid and pus leading to a condition called pneumonia. Though pneumonia may develop in any person however persons who smoke, drink alcohol, suffer from asthma or have AIDS, or are above the age of 65 years, or are malnourished are more prone to it. Common symptoms of pneumonia are cold and influenza with high fever, shaking and chilliness, cough with green or rusty mucus, short breathing, fast heartbeat, diarrhea, muscle pain and chest pain.
Pneumonia can range in seriousness from mild to life-threatening. It is most serious for infants and young children, people older than age 65, and people with health problems or weakened immune systems. Symptoms of pneumonia vary from mild to severe, depending on factors such as the type of germ causing the infection, age and overall health. Mild signs and symptoms often are similar to those of a cold or flu, but they last longer. Other symptoms may include – Chest pain on breathing or coughing, confusion or changes in mental awareness (in adults age 65 and older), cough, producing cough, fatigue, fever, sweating and shaking chills, lower than normal body temperature (in adults older than age 65 and people with weak immune systems), nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, shortness of breath. Newborns and infants may not show any sign of the infection. Or they may vomit, have a fever and cough, appear restless or tired and without energy, or have difficulty breathing and eating.
Pneumonia can develop when your immune system attacks an infection in the small sacs of your lung (alveoli). This causes your lungs to swell and leak fluids.
Many bacteria, viruses and fungi can cause the infections that lead to pneumonia. Bacteria are the most common cause in adults and viruses are the most common cause in school going children. Common illnesses that can lead to pneumonia include – Common cold (rhinovirus), COVID-19 (SARS-COV-2), flu (influenza virus), Human metapneumovirus (HMPV), Human parainfluenza virus (HPIV), Legionnaires’ disease, Mycoplasma pneumonia bacteria, Pneumococcal disease, Pneumocystis pneumonia, Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Pneumonia itself isn’t actually contagious, but the bacteria and viruses that cause it are contagious. The bacteria that most commonly causes pneumonia, Streptococcus pneumoniae, can be spread from person to person by touching infected surfaces or through coughing and sneezing. Pneumonia caused by fungi isn’t contagious.
Just like other acute respiratory disorders to diagnose pneumonia also , doctor will listen sound of the lungs with a stethoscope, do pulse oximetry and may order additional tests like X-rays, C T scan, blood tests or sputum tests, Bronchoscopy etc.
CROUP : Just 5 doses of three Homoeopathic medicines are to be given strictly in the following manner:
1st Dose – Aconite 30
2nd and and 4th Doses – Hepar Sulph 30
3rd and 5th Doses – Spongia 30
If not cured, repeat another five doses in the same manner. Any time in between the treatment if the patient baby is cured, stop the medicines.
In addition follow the following Naturopathy based measures also.
Make the child sit a steam-filled bathroom/ chamber to help moisten the air and alleviate respiratory symptoms or alternatively make him inhale the steam .
Ensure that the child stays hydrated by encouraging frequent sips of warm water or herbal tea made of Ginger, Tulsi and Mulethi with Raw Honey. Alternatively use our Saumya Herbal Tea.
Keep the child away from smoke, strong odors and other respiratory irritants.
Provide a calm and soothing environment for the child to rest and recover. Use pillows to elevate the head and upper body,
Totally quit smoking, tobacco in either form, wine & beer, aerated drinks, soda, cold drinks, squashes , thandai, non-vegetarian food , junk food, processed food , packed food , refined food (maida, besan, sugar etc) dairy products, rice, fine flour, sour fruits (except lemon which is a medicine as explained below), pickles, lentils, protein rich food etc.
Switch your diet to green salad, green vegetable soup, steamed green vegetables, sprouted grains, and plenty of fruits. Maximum liquid / watery green vegetables, watery fruits/juices and minimum solid food. Depending upon severity of your condition, totally avoid solid food for first ten to thirty days. After that in lunch just one or maximum two ( according to your age ) bread of millets (Bajra or Jwar ) may be taken but dinner should comprise of green vegetable soup and fruits only. When start taking one or two breads as mentioned here, start taking just one spoon deshi ghee per day also, but refrain from all other dairy products till complete recovery. Patient of chronic respiratory problems must avoid intake of this bread atleast for one month or even more as per need.
Limit your food intake to breakfast, lunch and dinner only. Do not eat any thing in between. Do not fill your stomach fully. Leave atleast 1/4th space empty. Before next meal you must feel extreme hungry.
Drink hot water only.
In case of fever, any grain has to be totally avoided. Just take, lemon juice, fresh fruit juices (except water menon) , and fruits only that too if you are really hungry.
Atleast two – three times a day take lemon juice in hot water. According to your taste you may add black salt & pepper or raw honey to it. Some patient , in the beginning may experience an aggravation in their symptoms, but there is no need to feel disturbed and discontinue it. It will detoxify your body by removing morbid accumulations and mucus from your body. As the mucus start melting and moving out, you may find your symptoms little worse; but in a few days as it moves out from your body, you will feel much relieved as was never before with any medicine.
Also drink plenty of herbal tea made with a combination of fresh ginger, tulsi, mulethi, banafsha, black pepper and cardamom without adding milk. If you want to sweeten it, you may use unprocessed stevia leaves or raw honey, but sugar need to be totally avoided. Alternatively, you may use our Saumya Herbal tea.
Enjoy direct sunrays in the morning to your body atleast for 30 minutes a day without clothing. If without clothing not possible, increase its duration in proportion to thickness of your cloths.
For 30 minutes every day full body steam sitting in a steam chamber or at least inhale covering your face with a towel.
In severe cases and also in chronic cases for 30 minutes a day apply hot mud pack on the chest or apply hot and cold pack for the same period.
Do a gentle message on the chest, ribs – front and back with a mix of hot mustard oil , eucalyptus oil and Bhim Seni camphor.
Refrain from catching cold in any way. Immediately after bath, dry your hair well . keep your feet warm and in winter keep your head covered with a woollen cap even while sleeping , but do not cover your face with blanket or comforter. Your nose must remain exposed to air. Monkey cap can be used to cover your face except nose.
Do light exercises and yoga according to your strength. A little exertion is a must but excessive exertion has to be avoided. patient of pneumonia may not be able to do yoga but as far as possible they should do deep breathing at a slow pace. Patient of pleurisy should avoid even deep breathing in the beginning which may elevate their pain and cough but as they start feeling little better and chest pain on deep breathing become tolerable , they should also start.
At least twice a day, do tapping on your head, face, and in chronic cases even on chest for 5 minutes each time.
Tadasana, Konasana , Bhujangasana, Hastpadangushtasana, viprit karni, Chakrasana, Parvatasana, Yog mudra are beneficial.
Brashtika, Kapalbhati and Anulom Vilom pranayama are also very beneficial and must be done as far as possible depending on your disease condition.

Do this regularly and at the time of Asthma attack also

Keep tongue pressed with teeth a few Minutes, three times a day
RHINITIS : Select from the below according to prevailing symptoms and continue for a long time :
A. Violent and frequent sneezing particularly in the morning, thin watery discharge which may be followed by nasal blockage, difficult breathing, feeling as if a small worm wriggling in the nostrils – Natrum Mur 3 X, 4 -5 times a day
B. Over sensitiveness to odors, profound sneezing with runny nose followed by redness and watery eyes, frontal pains– Sabadilla 30 4 – 5 times a day.
C. Excoriating watery discharge that peels away skin of the nostrils, sneezing, burning sensation in nose better indoor and worse in open air– Arsenicum Album 200 , 3 times a day.
D. Sneezing and watery discharge worst entering a warm room, better in open air, profuse, watery irritating, burning, nasal discharge and copious, non-irritating eye discharge, nasal discharge burns and corrodes (damages) the nose and upper lips . symptoms worse in spring or rainy season – Allium Cepa , 4 times a day.
E. Sneezing, watery nasal symptoms with red, watery, itchy eyes, acrid lachrymation and bland coryza(opposite of Allium Cepa) –Euphrasia 30 4 times a day.
F. Sneezing with burning and annoying itch in the nostrils and palate (roof of the mouth) , loss of smell– Arundo Mauritanica 30 – 4 times a day. During the day
G. In case of severe extreme nasal itch with red nostrils also take just one dose of Sulphur 200 empty stomach in the morning every day and after a gap of two hours start any one from the above as indicated .
A. Natrium Arsenicosum 30 – 4 times a day, and
B. Natrum Mur 3 X – 4 times a day maintain a gap of 15 -20 minutes with above.
A. Common medicine – Balsamum peruvianum Q, 25 drops in hot water 4 times a day.
B. Wheezing respiration, burning in the chest, cough worse after midnight, better indoor and worse in open air, unquenchable thirst – drinks again and again but very little at a time – Arsenicum Album 30, 4 times a day.
C. Dry cough, must sit up, stitches in the chest, worse after eating or drinking, worse in warm room, batter in open air, frequent desire to take long breath, dryness of the mouth, tongue and throat, excessive thirst – drinks full glass at a time – Bryonia 30, 4 times a day.
D. Dry hoarse cough, aphonia and cough when exposed to dry cold wind, worse when any part of the body gets cold or uncovered, or by slightest draught, choking, rattling cough, suffocative attacks, wheezing moist breathing, sensation of a plug and of a splinter in the throat especially on swallowing, slightest cause irritates him – Hepar Sulph 30 , 4 times a day.
E. Dry mouth with no thirst, dry cough in the evening and at night, must sit up to get relief, loose cough in the morning with copious mucoid expectoration, smothering sensation on lying down, alternations in taste, bitter, bilious, greasy, salty, foul etc, loss of taste, aversion to warm food and drink – Pulsatilla 30
F. According to symptoms select anyone from above and alternate it with one pill of each of Calc Sulph 3 X, Ferrum Phos 3 X, Kali Mur 3 X, Natrum Sulph 3 X, and Silicia 3 X at a gap of 15 – 20 minutes with the above.
A. Bryonia 200 , 4 times a day.
B. One pill of each ofCalcarea Phos 3 X , Calcares Sulph 3 X, Ferrum Phos 3 X, Kali Mur 3 X, Natrum Mur 3 X – alternate with above at a gap of 15 – 20 minutes.
A. Arnica 1 M – just one dose every morning empty stomach.
B. Lachesis 200 – 4 times a day (maintain atleast two hour gap with above).
C. Calcarea Fluor 3 X – alternate with Lachesis at a gap of 15 -20 minutes.
A. Bryonia 30 – 4 times a day.
B. Phosphorus 3 – 4 times a day.
C. Calcarea Sulph 3 X + Silicia 3 X – two pills of each 4 times a day. Alternate all the three above maintaining a gap of 15-20 minutes.
Chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs) affect the airways and other structures of the lungs. Some of the most common diseases are chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and pulmonary hypertension.
COPD : Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a common lung disease that restrict airflow causing breathing problems. In people with COPD, the lungs can get damaged or clogged with phlegm. There may be destruction of parts of the lung, mucus blocking the airways, and inflammation and swelling of the airway lining. Symptoms include cough, sometimes with phlegm, difficulty breathing, chronic cough, wheezing and tiredness. COPD symptoms can get worse quickly. These are called flare-ups. These usually last for a few days. Common symptoms of COPD start developing from mid-life onwards. As COPD progresses, people find it more difficult to carry out their normal daily activities, often due to breathlessness. COPD develops gradually over time, often resulting from a combination of risk factors such as :
- Active smoking or even passive smoking – (Most common);
- Air pollution : exposure to dusts, fumes or chemicals (Most common);
- Indoor air pollution: biomass fuel (wood, animal dung, crop residue) or coal;
- Early life events such as poor growth in utero, prematurity, and frequent or severe respiratory infections in childhood;
- Asthma in childhood; and
- A rare genetic condition called alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, which can cause COPD at a young age.
People with COPD also have a higher risk for other health problems such as – lung infections, like the flu or pneumonia, lung cancer, heart problems, weak muscles and brittle bones, depression and anxiety. suspected cases of COPD may need confirmation by a breathing test called spirometry, which measures how the lungs are working.
In allopathy, there is no cure for COPD and their treatment simply try to manage with this disease with life long medication as well as accessory means. However, our integrated therapy comprising of Homoeopathy, Naturopathy, Yoga and Acupressure can provide satisfactory relief to this disease.
Preventive measures include – avoiding smoking, avoiding exposure to second hand smoke, abstaining from alcohol, air pollution, or chemical fumes and following healthy lifestyle strategies, like – eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, losing weight if obese, and stress level.
ASTHMA : Asthma is a chronic condition affecting people of all ages where a subject’s bronchi become hyper reactive to different types of stimulants. When a subject suffers from an asthma attack, the walls of the bronchi become crammed and also the cells lining the airways swell secreting excessive mucus in the airway. These result into a situation where the bronchi become narrowed making it very difficult for an asthmatic subject to breath in and out air. Asthma is a psychosomatic illness triggered by factors like smoking, exposure to passive smoking, indoor environmental air pollutant, heredity, psychological factors like stress and tension, occupations (like farming, poultry, gardening) where exposure to large number of fungus spores and pollens is high, allergies and allopathic treatment. A common noticeable factor in asthma patient is that the functional efficiency of one or more excretory organs will be low because of morbid accumulations and lowered vitality. By the adoption of our integrated therapy comprising of Homoeopathy, Naturopathy, Yoga and Acupressure, the morbid accumulations are cleared which in turn enhances the function of lungs.
Asthma is often under-diagnosed and under-treated, particularly in low- and middle-income segment. People with under-treated asthma can suffer sleep disturbance, tiredness during the day, and poor concentration. If symptoms are severe, people with asthma may need to receive emergency health care and they may be admitted to hospital for treatment and monitoring. In the most severe cases, asthma can lead to death
Symptoms of asthma can vary from person to person. Symptoms sometimes get significantly worse. This is known as an asthma attack. Symptoms are often worse at night or during exercise. Common symptoms of asthma include – a persistent cough, especially at night, wheezing when exhaling and sometimes when inhaling also, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, sometimes even when resting, chest tightness, making it difficult to breathe deeply. Some people will have worse symptoms when they have a cold or during changes in the weather. Other triggers can include dust, smoke, fumes, grass and tree pollen, animal fur and feathers, strong soaps and perfume. Symptoms can be caused by other conditions as well.
Causes : Many factors have been linked to an increased risk of developing asthma, although it is often difficult to find a single, direct cause. Asthma is more likely if other family members also have asthma – particularly a close relative, such as a parent or sibling. Asthma is more likely in people who have other allergic conditions, such as eczema and rhinitis (hay fever). Urbanization is associated with increased asthma prevalence, probably due to multiple lifestyle factors. Events in early life affect the developing lungs and can increase the risk of asthma. These include low birth weight, prematurity, exposure to tobacco smoke and other sources of air pollution, as well as viral respiratory infections. Exposure to a range of environmental allergens and irritants are also thought to increase the risk of asthma, including indoor and outdoor air pollution, house dust mites, moulds, and occupational exposure to chemicals, fumes or dust. Children and adults who are overweight or obese are at a greater risk of asthma.
Diagnosis : After physical examination, and rule out other possible conditions such as a respiratory infection or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) etc the doctor may recommend certain medical tests to determine how much air moves in and out when you breathe. These tests may include – Spirometry (to know how much air you can exhale after a deep breath and how fast you can breathe out). Peak flow to measure how hard you can breathe out. Methacholine challenge Methacholine is a known asthma trigger. When inhaled, it will cause your airways to narrow slightly. If you react to the methacholine, you likely have asthma. Imaging tests. A chest X-ray can help identify any structural abnormalities or diseases. Allergy testing. (To know if you’re allergic to pets, dust, mold or pollen). Nitric oxide test. (To know the amount of the gas nitric oxide in your breath). Sputum eosinophils (to know the quantum of white blood cells (eosinophils) in the mixture of saliva and mucus (sputum) you discharge during coughing). Provocative testing for exercise and cold-induced asthma (to measures airway obstruction before and after performing vigorous physical activity or taking several breaths of cold air) etc.
Depending upon severity, Asthma can be classified into four general categories – Mild intermittent (mild symptoms upto two days a week and upto two nights a month); Mild persistent (symptoms more than twice a week, but no more than once in single day), Moderate persistent (Symptoms once a day and more than one night a week), Severe persistent (symptoms throughout the day on most of the days and frequently at night).
Asthma has no cure in modern medical science (Allopathy). However they try to manage it mostly with the use an inhaler, which delivers medication directly to the lungs. Some inhalers contain steroids such as beclomethasone that reduce inflammation in the air passages, which improves asthma symptoms and reduces the risk of severe asthma attacks and death. However its side effects may include runny nose, tender, swollen glands in the neck, trouble swallowing, blurred vision that may lead even to blindness, depression, nausea, urological problems, cramp, heavy bleeding and may more. Whereas our combined approach with the help of Homoeopathy, Naturopathy, Yoga and Acupressure slowly but steadily permanently cures in a natural way.
OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA (OSA) : Obstructive sleep apnea is a sleep-related breathing disorder. People with obstructive sleep apnea repeatedly stop and start breathing while they sleep. Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the throat muscles relax and block the upper airway partially or completely during sleep, which can lead to reduced or absent breathing. This happens off and on many times during sleep. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is characterized by episodes of a complete (apnea) or partial collapse (hypopnea) of the upper airway with an associated decrease in oxygen saturation or arousal from sleep. A sign of obstructive sleep apnea is snoring, or gasping during sleep, excessive daytime sleepiness, and Arousal from sleep. OSA has significant implications for cardiovascular health, mental illness, quality of life, and driving safety.
Pharyngeal narrowing and closing during sleep is a complex phenomenon, and multiple factors play a role in this pathogenesis. Sleep-related reduced ventilatory drive and neuromuscular factors combined with anatomic risk factors are likely to play a significant role in upper airway obstruction during sleep. The anatomic factors that promote pharyngeal narrowing include large neck circumference, soft tissue, bone, or vessels. Many of these structures can lead to increased pressure surrounding the upper airway, resulting in pharyngeal collapsibility and insufficient space to accommodate airflow to a portion of the upper airway during sleep. In addition, the upper airway muscle tone plays a role; when this muscle decreases, a repetitive total or partial airway collapse results. The most common cause of OSA in adults is obesity, male sex, Large tonsils, Hormone levels and advancing age. Facial elongation, Mandibular hypoplasia etc. Supine sleeping position, Pregnancy, Alcohol use, Smoking also increases risk of OSA. The severity of OSA decreases with age when adjusting for body mass index. People with a higher BMI have a higher risk of OSA,
Associated Medical Disorders of Obstructive sleep apnea may include – Endocrine disorders (eg, diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, acromegaly, and hypothyroidism), Neurological disorders (eg, stroke, spinal cord injury, and myasthenia gravis), Prader Willi syndrome , Down Syndrome, Congestive heart failure, Atrial fibrillation, Obesity hypoventilation syndrome .
Diagnostic tests -the gold standard for diagnosis is a Polysomnography (PSG), or, sleep study. This test is performed while the patient is asleep at a sleep laboratory, and monitors brain waves, blood oxygen levels, heart rate and breathing, as well as eye and leg movements. Nasopharyngoscopy, Sleep endoscopy and imaging tests such as tomography scans (CTs), awake and sleep magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
PULMONARY HYPERTENSION : Pulmonary hypertension is a condition that affects the blood vessels in the lungs. Pulmonary hypertension makes the heart work harder than normal to pump blood into the lungs. This can damage the heart and cause symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain, and light-headedness. Pulmonary hypertension can develop on its own or be caused by another disease or condition such as higher blood pressure in the lungs than normal.. There are five different groups of pulmonary hypertension:
- Group 1: Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) – mainly caused by heritable, Use of some medicines e.g. methamphetamine, congenital heart defect, scleroderma etc, chronic liver disease such as cirrhosis, or idiopathic. A person may have Pulmonary hypertension even without having any symptoms during rest or even while exercising.
- Group 2: Pulmonary hypertension due to left-sided heart disease – mainly caused byLeft heart failure, Left-sided heart valve disease. In this group of pulmonary hypertension, there are no symptoms at rest but even slight physical activity may cause some shortness of breath or mild chest pain.
- Group 3: Pulmonary hypertension due to lung disease and/or hypoxia – mainly caused bypulmonary fibrosis, COPD, Sleep apnea, Long-term exposure to high altitudes etc. The patient remain comfortable at rest, but the ability to do physical activity becomes very limited.
- Group 4: Pulmonary hypertension due to pulmonary artery obstructions, including chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) – mainly caused bypulmonary emboli (Chronic blood clots in the lungs), Tumours etc. Symptoms occur at rest as well as during physical activity. Any type of activity causes increasing discomfort.
- Group 5: Pulmonary hypertension with unknown and/or multiple causes – mainly caused by –Blood disorders, Inflammatory disorders, Metabolic disorders, Kidney disease, Eisenmenger syndrome (generally caused due to unrepaired holes between heart chambers).
Pulmonary hypertension symptoms include- Shortness of breath, at first while exercising and eventually while at rest, Blue or grey skin color due to low oxygen levels. Chest pressure or pain, Dizziness or fainting spells, Fast pulse or pounding heartbeat, Fatigue, Swelling in the ankles, legs and belly area etc.
Potential complications of pulmonary hypertension include – Right-sided heart enlargement and heart failure, failure of right lower heart chamber, Blood clots in the small arteries in the lungs, life threatening irregular heart beat, life threatening bleeding in the lungs, life threatening pregnancy complications etc.
Diagnosis of Pulmonary hypertension is often not found during a routine physical exam. Even when pulmonary hypertension is more advanced, its symptoms are similar to those of other heart and lung conditions. Medical tests commonly done to diagnose pulmonary hypertension may include Blood test, Chest X-Ray, ECG, Echo, TMT, Right heart catheterization, CT Scan, MRI, Lung function test, Sleep study, V/Q scan, Lung biopsy etc.
Modern medical science has no cure for pulmonary hypertension and treatment is limited to managing the disease by improving symptoms and prolong life, and to keep the disease from getting worse, whereas our integrated therapy comprising of Homoeopathy, Naturopathy, Yoga and Acupressure, in most cases may permanently cure the disease .
- The human body is made of diverse cells and when the cells become old and gradually die they are replaced by new cells. Nevertheless, sometimes new cell are formed even when the human body does not need them as old cells have still not died. Under such a situation the new cells form a mass that is known as tumor, which may be malignant or benign. While the benign tumors (these are not cancerous) grow at a specific place and do not spread the malignant tumors (these are cancer) spread to other parts. They grow slowly or might even stop growing or shrink, are not usually life-threatening, can expand and push against nearby tissues but won’t invade, destroy or replace other tissues.
There are several types of benign lung tumors. Tumors that are generally larger than 3 CM in diameter are masses. Tumors that are 3 CM or fewer in diameter are nodules. Types of benign lung tumors and nodules include – Hamartomas ( these are most common and consist of “normal” tissues, such as cartilage, connective tissue, fat and muscle ), but in abnormal amounts. They’re usually less than 4 cm in diameter. Hamartomas usually stay within a limited area and aren’t likely to press against nearby tissue). Bronchial adenomas ( grow in the bronchi and the mucus glands or ducts of the windpipe). Papillomas ( less common type of benign lung tumor, grow in the bronchial tubes, sticking out from the surface area) . There are some other rare benign lung tumors also and they include – Chondromas. A chondroma consists of cartilage. It generally forms in hands or feet but may also develop in the ribs, upper arms or thighs,
Fibromas consists of fibrous tissue. It can form anywhere in the body, Neurofibromas that consists of connective tissues. It develops along the nerve cells, Lipomas consists of fatty tissue. It’s very common and grows just below the skin anywhere on the body.
- Most people do not have any symptoms of benign lung tumors. These are incidentally discovered on having a chest X-ray or CT scan done for some other condition. However, in some cases, people may have Mild coughthat lasts for a long time, Shortness of breath (dyspnea), Chest discomfort, Wheezing or Rattling sound in the lungs, Coughing up blood (hemoptysis) etc. Chest pain or discomfort, In some cases, causes may be unknown whereas the most common causes of benign lung tumors or nodules may include :
- Granulomas. Granulomas are small clumps of inflamed cells. They develop due to infections, including tuberculosis(TB) or fungal infections such as histoplasmosis or Valley fever (coccidioidomycosis).
- Lung abscess. A lung abscess is a pus-filled infection. Bacteria usually cause abscesses.
- Inflammation. Diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, sarcoidosisor granulomatosis with polyangiitis can cause inflammation that leads to a benign lung tumor or nodule.
- Infection. Many types of infections can present with lung nodules.
- Congenital condition. Congenital conditions are conditions that are present from birth. These may include a lung cyst (sac of fluid), scaror another lung malformation.
- Malignant (cancerous) tumors are the uncontrolled growth of unhealthy and underdeveloped cells that can start in one or both the lungs. These cells don’t develop into healthy lung tissues but on the contrary divide rapidly and restrict the oxygen providing capability of lungs to the bloodstream. Depending upon place of origin lung cancer is of two types. Lung cancer, which originates in the lungs, is known as primary lung cancerwhile cancer that starts in a different part of the body and spreads to the lungs is known as secondary lung cancer. Again based on microscopic appearance, lung cancer is of two types NSCLC (non-small cell lung cancer) and SCLC (small cell lung cancer). NSCLC is further of four types: squamous cell carcinoma (formed in the bronchial tube linings), adenocarcinoma (formed in the mucus providing gland of lungs), bronchioalveolar carcinoma (formed near the lungs’ air sacs) and large cell undifferentiated carcinoma (formed in the outer edges or surface of the lungs).
Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) : It grows more quickly and is harder to treat than NSCLC. It’s often found as a relatively small lung tumor that has already spread to other parts of the body. Specific types of SCLC include : small cell carcinoma (also called oat cell carcinoma) and combined small cell carcinoma. Some other types of cancer in the lungs are lymphomas (cancer in the lymph nodes), sarcomas (cancer in ther bones or soft tissue) and pleural mesothelioma (cancer in the lining of the lungs). These are treated differently and usually aren’t referred to as lung cancer.
The primary causes of lung cancer are inhaling carcinogenic substances such as Tobacco, Asbestos, Arsenic, Radiation, compounds in car exhaust fumes etc. The primary cause of SCLC is smoking.
- The symptoms of lung cancer may take years to appear and are mostly detected in the advanced stages. Also symptoms depend on the location, spread and size of the tumor. Some of the basic symptoms are a coughthat doesn’t go away or gets worse over time, trouble breathing or shortness of breath (dyspnea), Chest pain or discomfort, , , , Coughing up blood (hemoptysis), , Hoarseness, Loss of appetite, Unexplained weight loss, Unexplained fatigue (tiredness), Shoulder pain, Swelling in the face, neck, arms or upper chest (superior vena cava syndrome), Small pupil and drooping eyelid in one eye with little or no sweating on that side of the face (Horner’s syndrome).
- Each stage has several combinations of size and spread that can fall into that category. For instance, the primary tumor in a Stage III cancer could be smaller than in a Stage II cancer, but other factors put it at a more advanced stage. The common stages of lung cancer are :
- Stage 0 (in-situ):Cancer is in the top lining of the lung or bronchus. It hasn’t spread to other parts of the lung or outside of the lung.
- Stage I:Cancer hasn’t spread outside the lung.
- Stage II:Cancer is larger than Stage I, has spread to lymph nodes inside the lung, or more than one tumor are there in the same lobe of the lung.
- Stage III:Cancer is larger than Stage II, has spread to nearby lymph nodes or structures or more than one tumor are there in a different lobe of the same lung.
- Stage IV:Cancer has spread to the other lung, the fluid around the lung, the fluid around the heart or distant organs.
- Limited vs. extensive stage
- While common stages are I to IV for small cell lung cancer, some times Doctors also described as limited or extensive stage. This is based on whether the area can be treated with a single radiation field or multiple.
- Limited stage SCLCis confined to one lung and can sometimes be in the lymph nodes in the middle of the chest or above the collar bone on the same side.
- Extensive stage SCLCis widespread throughout one lung or has spread to the other lung, lymph nodes on the opposite side of the lung, or to other parts of the body.
- Metastatic lung canceris cancer that starts in one lung but spreads to the other lung or to other organs. Metastatic lung cancer is harder to treat than cancer that has not spread outside of its original location.
Diagnosis and Tests may include : X- ray, CT scan, bronchoscopy and biopsy. The smaller the nodule, the more likely it is to be benign. Benign nodules also grow very slowly, if they grow at all. Cancerous nodules, on average, can double in size every four months or fewer. Presence of calcium within the tumor or nodule also differentiate between a benign lung nodule and a malignant one. If calcium is present, it looks white on a CT scan. Benign nodules may have calcium in them, whereas malignant nodules usually do not. They are also normally smoother and have a more regular shape. Malignant nodules typically have irregular shapes and rougher surfaces.
A. Follow all Naturopathic measures as given with Acute Respiratory diseases.
B. Regularly perform Yoga also as given with Acute Respiratory diseases.
C.Regularly do morning walk as brisk as possible.
D.Do not over exert yourself with any work including yoga and morning walk. While performing yoga a little stretch is a must but refrain yourself from too much stretch. Do both yoga and morning walk slowly and comfortably without exerting yourself. If need be, take a few minute rest in between and restart. You can even use walking stick with inbuilt folded stool to take in between rest during morning walk.
E. For complete treatment with Homoeopathic medicines, please write to us for specific consultancy as per procedure given in consultancy procedure.