Some Acute
Some Acute Diseases
Common Cold
Homoeopathy & Naturopathy :
- When warm weather sets in after cold – Bryonia 30
- In winter – Aconite 30
- A mixture of Aconite 30, Belladonna 30, and Bryonia 30 in any other season.
- In case of profuse, thin, and watery discharge – Euphrasia 30.
- Loss of smell with cold – Sulphur 30
- Loss of taste with cold – Pulsatilla 30
- Loss of both smell and taste with cold–Magnesia Mur 30
- Tendency to catch a cold easily – Natrum Mur 3 X (to be continued for one to three months as needed)
- In women with too frequent and too profuse Menses – Calcarea Carb 30
According to the given symptoms, patients may take any one of the above medicines initially at an interval of one to two hours and gradually switch to four hourly with improvement. Patients may also take one Ayurvedic syrup Joshina in ½ cup hot water 4 to 6 times daily. In severe cases, inhale steam 3 to 4 times daily, each 15 to 20 minutes.
(Homoeopathy & Naturopathy)
- If a patient demands a large quantity (full glass) of water at large intervals – Bryonia 1M.
- If a patient demands a small quantity of water frequently at shorter intervals—Arsenic 1M.
- If the absence of thirst, extreme drowsiness, or desire to be left alone—Gelsemium 200
- If due to sudden exposure to cold winds – Aconite 1M
- High fever with burning hot skin, hot head but cold hands and feet, perspiration, and sore throat—Belladonna 1M.
- As a result of getting wet in the rain or even otherwise in the rainy season—Rhus Tox 200
- If due to sunstroke—Glonoinum 200 (keep the patient in a cool atmosphere (A/c or Cooler and do sponge frequently)
- With severe aching pain in the bones of extremities, back, etc.— Eupatorium Perf. 200
- Typhoid—Baptisia 6
- Dengue fever—First Paroxysm—Aconite 30, one hourly, followed if necessary, by Rhus Tox 30. If bone pain is very severe, Eupatorium Perf 30. Suppose the patient has a flushed face, rash, pain in the head and eyes, low fever, or drowsiness, Echinacea Angustifolia 30. Second Paroxysm—Gelsemium 30, one hourly, followed by Rhus Tox 30, one hourly.
- Ferrum Phos. 3X can be alternated with any of these.
- If unable to choose one from above, Mix Aconite 200, Belladonna 200, and Bryonia 200.
According to the given symptoms, any one of the above medicines may be taken at an interval of one or two hours.
In fever, a patient should not consume any grain in any form. They may consume seasonal fruits (except bananas, watermelon and Jackfruit). Juicy fruits and fresh fruit juice are best. A patient may also consume cow milk if the fever is moderate (less than 100 F). They may also take any herbal tea. Without real hunger, there is no need to eat or drink anything. Patients should also take fresh lemon juice mixed with raw honey in case of loss of appetite. They may mix both in proportion to make it neither sweet nor sour. When the fever comes to normal, and the patient starts feeling energetic, a light meal – green vegetable soup (except tomato), green vegetables– Lauki, Parval, Tinda, Torai, Palak, Gajar, Shaljam, etc., can be given. Finally, patients may also consume semi-solid khichdi.
- Short, dry, irritative, during sleep—Aconite 30
- Coming on in the night, waking the patient from sleep—Arsenic 30
- Due to enlarged, relaxed uvula—Calcarea Flour 3 X.
- Cough on walking, on moving around, cough on lying down at night, must sit up—Bryonia 30
- Sore throat, redness of face—Belladonna 30
- Cough induced by speaking, voice almost gone, expulsion of urine, causing taste of blood in the mouth—Causticum 30
- Hard and difficult to cough up, loud, short, acute like whooping cough, rattling sounds of air passing through thick, tenacious mucus in the bronchi—Kali Mur 3X (In an emergency, can be given at an interval of just 10 to 15 minutes, preferably with hot water
- Dry cough with acrid coryza and lachrymation; each cough seems as if it would split the larynx in two, and the patient cringes under the pain—Allium Cepa 30
- Cough with pain in the sternum, extending to shoulders, tough and stringy cough causing taste of blood in the mouth—Kali Bich 30
- Take plenty of herbal tea with raw honey if cough and cold are together.
Whooping Cough
Homoeopathy and Naturopathy :
- Belladonna 30 after every cough and Nux Vomica 30 after every meal/ drink.
- Restrict diet to well-cooked, thin (semi-solid) Khichdi. Drink plenty of herbal tea with raw honey.
Naturopathy and Homoeopathy :
It is a viral and contagious disease, so avoid close contact.
- Belladonna 30
- Alternate at a 15 – 20-minute gap with Kali Mur 3X and Ferrum Phos 3X (2 pills each).
- Gargle 3 to 4 times a day with warm salt.
- Take plenty of herbal tea with raw honey.
- Keep the entire area from ear to neck water duly covered with a warm cloth.
- Take a soft diet that is easily chewable to avoid discomfort while eating. A liquid diet will be best.
- Take proper rest and keep the body duly dehydrated. Drink warm water.
Injury, Sprain & Strain, Wounds, Burns, Etc.
- An injury is a damage to your body. It is a general term that refers to harm caused by accidents, falls, hits, weapons, and more. Injuries can happen at work or play, indoors or outdoors, while driving a car, or while walking across the street.
- A sprain is a stretched or torn ligament. Ligaments are tissues that connect bones at a joint. Falling, twisting, or getting hit can all cause a sprain. Ankle and wrist sprains are common. Symptoms include pain, swelling, bruising, and inability to move your joint. You might feel a pop or tear when the injury happens.
- A strain is a stretched or torn muscle or tendon. Tendons are tissues that connect muscle to bone. Twisting or pulling these tissues can cause a strain. Strains can happen suddenly or develop over time. Back and hamstring muscle strains are common. Many people get strained playing sports. Symptoms include pain, muscle spasms, swelling, and trouble moving the muscle.
Naturopathy and Homoeopathy :
- If the affected part can be dipped in water, do so immediately or as early as possible in cold water for ½ hours. If it cannot be dipped, apply ½” thick cold water-soaked cotton cloth to the affected part and keep it wet for ½ hours.
- After removing the affected part from the water, wait until it reaches normal room temperature. Then, apply hot turmeric paste for 45 minutes.
- Repeat both the above three and at least two times a day till complete recovery.
- Give Arnica 30 since the beginning. Give 3 -4 doses at an interval of 30 minutes and gradually switch to a 3-hour interval until the injury sets right completely.
- Sometimes, the sprain and strain problems may persist even after seven days. In that case, replace Arnica 30 with Ruta 30 – 4 to 5 times daily.
In case of minor injury, applying turmeric paste may not be necessary; just cold-water treatment and Arnica 30 may be enough.
A bruise is a mark on your skin caused by blood trapped under the surface. It happens when an injury crushes small blood vessels but does not break the skin. Those vessels break open and leak blood under the skin. Bruises are often painful and swollen. You can get skin, muscle, and bone bruises. Bone bruises are the most serious. It can take months for a bruise to fade, but most last about two weeks. They start with a reddish colour, then turn bluish-purple and greenish yellow before returning to normal.
Naturopathy and Homoeopathy :
- The first step in injury recovery is to give rest and elevate the injured area. This is crucial to prevent swelling and to relieve pain.
- Apply ice packs for the first 72 hours after injury.
- After three days, apply a heating pad or warm compress to the injured area.
- From day one, give Hypericum 30 and Ferrum Phos 3X at a gap of 15-20 minutes, and repeat 4 – 6 times a day. In case of bone bruises, instead of Ferrum Phos, give Calcarea Phos 3X.
Wounds are injuries that break the skin or other body tissues. They include cuts, scrapes, scratches, and punctured skin. They often happen because of an accident, but surgery, sutures, and stitches also cause wounds. Minor wounds usually aren’t serious, but it is essential to clean them. Serious and infected wounds may require first aid and a visit to your doctor or hospital.
Homoeopathy and naturopathy :
- Clean the wound with soft surgical cotton thoroughly dipped in a solution of Calendula Q, one part Calendula Q, and three parts cold water.
- If the wound is bleeding, dip a piece of surgical cotton of the required size in water and squeeze well, leaving no single drop of water. Now, soak it well with Hamamelis Q and apply it to the wound. If needed, keep it changing at the required interval. Also, give Hamamelis 6 internally at a gap of 5 -10 minutes. Bleeding will stop in some time. If Hamamelis is unavailable or fails to stop bleeding ( i.e., taking more time), Spray well powder of Ferrum Phos 1X.
- When the bleeding stops, clean the excessive powder with a solution of one part Calendula Q and three parts cold water.
- Then, keep the wound wet with the Calendula Q solution as above for about two to three hours.
- Then, apply aloe vera gel and keep it on to aid in wound healing and prevent infection. Internally, give Silicea 3X and Hypericum 30, maintaining a gap of 15-20 minutes, and repeat 5-6 times a day.
- Dress the wound: Cover it with a sterile, non-stick dressing to protect it from further injury and keep it clean. Change the dressing regularly to maintain a clean and moist environment for healing.
- Support the immune system: Maintain a healthy diet rich in nutrients to support the immune system’s ability to fight infections and promote healing. Include foods high in vitamin C, zinc, and protein.
- Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water to support overall hydration, which is crucial for healing.
- Avoid smoking and alcohol: Smoking and alcohol consumption can impair the healing process. Quitting smoking and alcohol intake can significantly aid in wound healing.
Animal Bite (including Dog, Monkey, Cat, etc.) Treatment
Homoeopathy :
- Clean the wound thoroughly with Salt water. Then, apply a ½-inch thick cotton pad soaked with homeopathic medicine Calendula Q. This is highly Antiseptic. To do so, make a solution comprising 50% medicine and 50% water and soak the pad.
- Immediately after the bite, give one dose of Natrum Mur 1M. This is crucial as it nullifies the harmful effects of the bite. Two more doses of this should be given at an interval of one hour. However, before repeating it, give the following medicines first. If the patient is in shock – Aconite 30 – give a few doses every 10 minutes.
- In case of extreme burning with stinging pain, the patient should take Apis Mel 200 every 10 minutes.
- In case of just burning, the patient should take Arsenic 200 every 10 minutes.
- After these symptoms are subsidized, repeat balance doses of Natrum Mur 1M.
- To prevent the risk of rabies infection, it is important to give a few doses of Stramonium 1 M and Belladonna 1 M or get the patient vaccinated.
Snake Bite Treatment
General and homoeopathy :
- Clean the wound thoroughly with salt water.
- Put an Ice bag over the wound.
- Do not give anything to eat or drink to the patient,
- Take them to the hospital as soon as possible. In the meantime, if they start fainting, give them homeopathic medicine acid hydrocyanic 30 every five minutes.
- After discharge from the hospital, give two doses of Thuja 1M at an interval of two hours to remove post-effects.
Inspect Bite Treatment
Homoeopathy :
Give a few doses of Echinacea Angustifolia 6 at an interval of 15 to 30 minutes. Also, rub Echinacea Angustifolia Q externally.
Treatment of Burns
Homoeopathy and general :
- Immediately apply Cantharis Q on the affected area. It will prevent the formation of blisters.
- Give internally Arsenic 30 if burning is prevailing or Apis Mel 30 if Stinging pain or Stinging pain and burning both are present. Start at an interval of one hour and gradually switch to 3-hour intervals.
- In case of a severe burn, wrap the patient in a Pure wool blanket and take him to the hospital.
It may happen due to viral or bacterial infection. Such infections are common when taking cold water, other cold stuff, e.g., ice cream, cold drinks, exposure to cold breeze, or excess intake of oily food. In some individuals, tonsillitis may also happen due to the consumption of tomatoes. Generally, children get affected but teenagers and adult may also sometimes can get effected.
In allopathy, antibiotics and surgery are generally the course of treatment. However, Homoeopathy and naturopathy are sufficiently effective and safe without any surgery and/or side effects of antibiotics. Some preventive measures are to boost the immune system, avoid cold food and exposure to cold, and avoid tomatoes, especially in winter and at changes in weather.
Tonsillitis Treatment:
Homoeopathy and naturopathy
- Belladonna 30 or 200 4 to 6 times a day in new cases, particularly with a sore throat, throat pain, and fever.
- Baryta Carb 200 4 to 6 times a day. This is very good medicine, particularly if the patient tends to get infected easily and repeatedly. If this fails to give relief in 3 days, Baryta Carb 1 M once daily in the morning on an empty stomach.
- Also take Natrum Mur 3 X, 4 to 6 times a day.
- If pus formation has occurred, Baryta carb 1 M (morning, empty stomach); after three hours, start Hepar Sulph 200 and Natrum Mur 3 X at a gap of 15-20 minutes, and repeat four times a day.
- Take warm drinks, such as Tulsi & Ginger, or Herbal tea, hot water, hot vegetable soup, etc.
- Take plenty of Raw Honey. You can take it in hot water, add it to Tulsi, Ginger / Herbal Green Tea, and, most importantly, one spoon of Ginger Juice and one spoon of raw honey. Mix well and take it several times a day. Do not drink it, but lick it with your finger.
- Do gargle several times daily with warm salt or tea water.
- In severe cases, steam is also used for fast relief.
- Keep hydrated. Drink a lot of hot water, hot tea, etc.
- Take soft, easy–to–swallow food, such as liquid or semi-solid. Totally avoid sour things, such as pickles, tomatoes, curd, etc.
Stiff Neck
A stiff neck is typically characterized by soreness and difficulty moving the neck, especially when turning the head to the side. A headache, neck or shoulder, and arm pain may accompany it. To look sideways or over the shoulder, an individual may need to turn the entire body instead of the stiff neck. A stiff neck can have causes that aren’t due to underlying disease. Examples include sprains, strains, sleeping in an uncomfortable position, sitting at a desk with poor ergonomics, or lacking movement.
Naturopathy and Homoeopathy :
- Safe and gentle stretching and manipulation is the key to relieving a stiff neck. Forceful stretching can lead to more severe problems, so it’s crucial to be gentle and slow. Place your right palm on the right side of your head just above the ear to stretch. Gently press your palm towards your head and your head towards your palm. You’ll feel a safe stretch in your neck. Hold for one to three seconds. Repeat on the left side with your left palm. Then, place both palms with crossed fingers on the back of your head above the neck and the forehead. This completes one round. Repeat 5 to 10 times at a time and 3 – 4 times a day. Slowly try to rotate your neck clockwise and anticlockwise 5 -10 times at a time and 3 -4 times a day. Apply cold pack on the neck during first 48 hours and then after (if need be) hot and cold pack (3 minutes hot followed by 1 minute cold to complete one round. Repeat the same way for up to 40- 45 minutes. However, if you find considerable relief, you may continue with a cold pack only for another day or two.
- Slowly try to rotate your neck clockwise and anticlockwise 5 -10 times at a time and 3 -4 times a day.
- Apply a cold pack on the neck during the first 48 hours and then after (if need be) hot and cold pack (3 minutes hot followed by 1 minute cold to complete one round. Repeat the same way for up to 40- 45 minutes. However, if you find considerable relief, you may continue with a cold pack only for another day or two.
- In addition to stretching, any form of low-impact aerobic exercise, such as walking, is often helpful in relieving stiffness. Even if walking does not directly involve the neck, it helps circulate oxygen to the soft tissues throughout the spine, promoting healing.
- Take any one of the following medicines 5- 6 times a day
- Rhus Tox 30 – if the pain is relieved by motion (may be worse with initial motion but relieved with continued motion).
- Bryonia 30 – If pain worsens on motion, lying on the painful side is better.
Belladonna 30 – Sensitivity to touch.
A toothache refers to pain in or around your tooth. Minor toothaches can occur from a temporary gum irritation. More severe toothaches result from cavities, infections, abscesses in gums, or other dental conditions. There are many reasons why people develop tooth pain. Possible toothache causes include cavities, abscessed teeth, cracked teeth, damaged dental restoration (like a filling or crown), teeth grinding or clenching (bruxism), or gum disease.
Homoeopathy and Acupressure :
Usually, people run after a dentist when they have a toothache, and the dentist will suggest antibiotics and pain relievers, dental fillings, dental crowns, inlays or onlays, root canal therapy, tooth extraction, etc. However, we believe none of these treatments are necessary and advisable. We do not support root canals and tooth extraction, even if cavities have formed. There seems to be no harm in managing cavities. With age, some teeth may fall naturally, and this will not harm you in any way. With the progress of age, some dietary restrictions are necessary, and it is absolutely your choice to follow them on your own or under compulsion of some disease/s that are bound to occur if these are not followed to avoid disease occurrence. In case of toothache or tooth decay, following treatment will certainly help.
- Rinse your teeth with 200 drops of Calendula Q in 200 ml of warm water. Use this solution as your mouthwash. Repeat several times a day. If Calendula Q is unavailable, a similar solution can be made with alum or salt or boil 4 to 5 Guava leaves or wheatgrass to make tea and use it as a mouthwash.
- Use a cold compress externally on your Jaws. It constricts the blood vessel areas, which makes the pain less severe. To do so, hold a towel-wrapped bag of ice to the affected area for 20 minutes. You can repeat this every few hours.
- Dip a small piece of cotton in water and squeeze well to remove every drop of water. Wet it again with a few drops of Clove oil and put it on the affected tooth. Clove Oil contains eugenol, an excellent natural antiseptic. However, buy Clove oil from a trusted source. You can also chew a few cloves slowly and keep them in the cavity if possible.
- Crush a few cloves of garlic to make a paste and apply on the affected area, or chew a few garlic cloves slowly.
- Avoid too hot and too cold food/ drink.
- Mix Belladonna M and Apis Mel M. Take every two hours. In severe cases, the patient may also take a few doses at an interval of just one hour.
- If any pain is due to any abscess in the gums or root of the teeth – Hepar Sulph 200 and Silicea 200 at a gap of 15-20 minutes, 5 -6 times a day. Merc Sol. 30 – if there are bleeding gums, looseness of teeth, and sensitivity.
- Arnica 200 and Hypericum 200 if the pain is due to tooth extraction and filling. Just Hypericum 200 if the pain is due to Root Canal therapy.
- Do an acupressure just above the corner of the index finger’s nail and towards the thumb.

Vertigo is a sensation of motion or spinning often described as dizziness. People with vertigo feel like they are spinning or moving or that the world is spinning around them. Dizziness, including vertigo, can happen at any age, but it is common in people 65 years of age or over. Infections, migraines, injuries, and other health conditions can cause vertigo. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is the most common cause of vertigo. This results in vertigo from a sudden change in head position. It may trigger from moving your head up or down or turning in bed. It may also happen during pregnancy or as a symptom of an ear infection with an inner ear disorder.
Homoeopathy and Acupressure :
- Keep hydrated and drink a sufficient amount of water. Maintain a sufficient level of Vitamin D.
- Apply turmeric paste on the forehead.
- Drink your own special tea. Boil grated ginger and cardamom. Add 4 to 6 threads of pure Saffron when boiled well and continue boiling for another minute. The tea is ready. Drink it. Do not add anything else (even milk and black tea). You can sweeten it by adding anything you like. However, raw honey is best. Saffron should be pure. In our opinion, Baby brand saffron seems okay.
- Select any one medicine as mentioned below.
- Simple giddiness – Gelsemium 30
- With biliousness, usually wants to stay completely still and not be talked to or touched – Bryonia 30
- Feels as if they are moving around in a circle. Worsening of vertigo from head movement – Conium 30.
- On going upstairs, on looking up – Calcerea Carb 30.
- Dread of downward motion – Borax 30
- When walking, after reading, when turning, better in the open air – Kali Carb 30
- With constipation, in persons of spare habit – Nux Vomica 30 and Sulphur 30
- On turning over in bed or on rising from lying down – Belladonna 30
- While lying down, unhealthy subjects, constipation, – Natrum Mur 3X or 6X.
- The patient may also follow the following acupressure points.

If the condition is due to a specific disease, like cervical problems or low blood pressure, please refer to the respective diseases. Treating the underlying cause is the most effective way to decrease discomfort and provide long-term relief.
Headache/ Migraine
Headache is pain or discomfort in the head or face area. Types of headaches include migraine, tension, and cluster. Headaches can be primary or secondary. If it is secondary, it is caused by another condition. Avoiding headache triggers is the best prevention. Typical causes are improper diet (insufficient nutrition), junk food, etc. Alcoholism, addiction, inadequate hydration, stress, pollution (smoke, air pollution, etc.), lack of proper exercise, and physical activity.
Naturopathy, Homoeopathy, Yoga and Acupressure :
- Put an ice pack on your forehead when a headache strikes. Do massage.
- Apply sandalwood paste or Jaiphal (the nutmeg) paste on the forehead.
- Take a hot foot bath (dip your feet in hot water) for 20 – 30 minutes.
- Take facial steam for 20 – 30 minutes.
Select any one medicine from the following as per symptoms.
- Fullness and throbbing in the forehead and temples, flashes of light, and a sense of burning in the eyeballs are all symptoms aggravated by light, noise, movement, or lying down, and they are better when sitting—Belladonna 30.
- Migraine, drawing, tearing, pressing pains, light intolerance, vision disturbances – Kali Carb 30.
- Migraine in sensitive people, especially headaches after emotional upsets or caused by grief, is often focused on one side of the head – Ignatia 30.
- Migraines (often on the right) get worse from grief or emotional upsets, from too much sun, or occur just before or after the menstrual period. The corresponding headache feels like “a thousand little hammers are knocking on the brain.” It is often worse from eyestrain, especially suited to students, prolonged computer work, headaches coming on in the morning or during walks, and lasting the more significant part of the day, on coughing– Natrum Mur 3X or 6X.
- Right-sided migraines with tension in the neck and shoulder extending to the forehead and a bursting feeling in the eye; jarring, light, and noise aggravate discomfort. Headaches improve after vomiting and from burping or passing gas and are often better after sleep—Sanguinaria 30.
- Symptoms from intellectual overwork, on or after mental exertion – Kali Phos 6X
- Headache that gets worse from missing meals and worse near menstrual periods or during menopause, periodic (e.g., every Saturday) as if the head would burst and the eyes would fall out, relieved by rest, by closing eyes, in the open air, lying on the painful side, Headache in terrific shocks, involuntary jerking of head – Sepia 30
- Passive headache, as if everything would come out at the forehead; supra-orbital headache, squeezing in the forehead above the root of the nose—Aconite 30.
- Headache over one eye, especially right. Before the headache comes on, sight is blurred; sight improves when pain begins—Kali Bich 30.
- Severe pressure headache with giddiness, derangement of the stomach after over-eating or drinking or smoking, constipation increased by taking food and mental exertion in person with a sedentary life – Nux Vomica 30
- Throbbing or pressing headache, burning heat on vertex, worse when coughing, at night in bed, or on walking; relieved by pressure. Congestive headache with a rush of blood to the head, headache recurring once a week—Sulphur 30.
- Bursting, splitting, pressive headache in forehead, across the eyes, relieved by pressure, greatly aggravated by stooping, sensation as if the brain would fall out, right side with retching and bilious vomiting, worse by all movements, even of the eyes—Bryonia 30.
- Headache from sunstroke or exposure to heat, violent throbbing, worse by every movement – Glonoine 30.
- Burning sensation at the top of the head, supra-orbital headache, periodical, accompanied by debility, or arising from debility, red tongue better by wet applications and in the open air – Arsenic 30.
- For only one-sided headaches, take Natrum Mur 3X and Silicea 3X( 2 pills each) 4-5 times a day.
- Yoga—Hastpadasana, Balasana, Paschimottasana, Padmasana, Savasana.
- Pranayama—Brahmari, Anulom Vilom
- Acupressure— Follow the instructions below.

Homoeopathy :
- Vomiting of food or mucus, nausea, salivation – Ipecac 30 (general medicine for vomiting with or without fever).
- Nausea, vomiting coming on late, morning vomiting of drunkards, white tongue, vomiting of liquids as soon as taken – Antimonium Tart. 30
- Red tongue, food poisoning, vomiting, loose motion, harmful effects of contaminated fruits/ food – Arsenicum Alb. 30.
- Cold water is vomited as soon as it becomes warm in the stomach– Phosphorus 30.
- Morning sickness during pregnancy – Pulsatilla 30, food rejected as soon as taken – Ipecac 30 + Nux vomica 30.
- Continued sick feeling day and night, without vomiting –Tabacum 30.
Homoeopathy :
- As a preventive, after any heavy, oily, spicy, or full stomach meal, special party meal – 2 to 3 doses of Pulsatilla 200.
- From indigestible food, spasmodic pain, flatulence, vomiting, constipation, indigestion of drunkards – Nux Vomica 30.
- Flatulent, great belching, cutting pains in the chest, acidity, loose bowels – Carbo Veg 30.
- Feeling of a stone in the stomach, pain through epigastrium to the back of the chest, pain between the shoulders, pain across the forehead, constipation – Bryonia 30.
- Ravenous hunger, heartburn, milk disagrees, tight clothes unbearable, abdomen distended and hard, offensive white stool, white tongue – Calcarea Carb 30.
- As a general medicine – Nux Vomica 30.
- Sulphur 200 in the morning and Nux Vomica 200 at bedtime.
- Torpor of bowels, hard, large, dry stool – Bryonia 30.
For more details, refer to our complete chapter on the subject.