About Us

When commercialized, any knowledge tends to lose some of its inherent vital advantages and values. Unfortunately, even medical science is not an exception. The extent of commercialization is that the primary aim of most critical medical research by various pharmaceutical companies (i.e., corporates) is profit-making. The effectiveness of this corporate world is well known to everyone, and it dominates even policies framed by the government.

By and large, policies so framed have adversely affected our lifestyle and have given rise to several so-called incurable diseases like Cancer, Diabetes, Ulcers, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, various Cardiac diseases, Asthma, Hepatitis, Cirrhosis of the liver, and Kidney failure, among others. Even at medical centers, commercialization has resulted in suggesting surgeries (even though individuals could avoid them), avoidable hospitalization, starting treatment without knowing the exact cause and nature of the disease, and leaving the patient to face more and more complicated diseases due to suppression of the primary disease and side effects of the treatment given.

Without getting influenced with commercialization, at Swasthya Bhandar we provide most effective  & economical treatment for all chronic , complex, and so called incurable diseases with integration of  Homoeopathy, Home manageable Naturopathy, Yoga, Acupressure & Herbalism avoiding life long medication. 



Effective, Economical & Permanent cure
Of various types of Cancer including Leukemia Without Chemotherapy/ Laser Therapy etc

An effective and economical treatment of  Heart problems e.g. Angina, Blockages and many more without Angiography/ Angioplasty/  Bypass surgery proving complete relief in natural way.
Successful management of all the diseases of Joints & Spine without any surgery or replacement enabling to lead a normal life without any pain/ hinderance to routine work that too without life-long medication.
Permanent cure and complete reversal of Diabetes just in a few months without any life long medication, enabling you To lead normal life.
An most effective treatment of all the Diseases of the Liver starting from Fatty Liver to Jaundice, Hepatitis Cirrhosis and Restoring a normal functional liver.
Cost-effective cure/management of all acute and Chronic diseases of the Respiratory System including Asthma, COPD, Cancer providing relief to lead a normal life without any inhaler.
Effective & Economical cure of all urinary
Problems such as Kidney Stones, UTI , BPH etc.
Diseases of the Digestive System & Other Diseases

Starting From Indigestion till ulcer & cancer , and other e.g. kidney stones , prostate , Utl , problems of old age , depression , thyroid and other glands , brain & nervous system , all without any surgery.

Right from irregular menstrual problems till ovarian cysts, prolapses of the uterus and menopause including UTI, PCOS ,Tumour, without surgery & chemotherapy.
All diseases of Infants right from birth till becoming teenager in a most effective and soothing manner without any pinch of the treatment.

Harmless solution of all Hormonal problems
Related to any Endocrine Gland including Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pituitary, Pineal, Ovary, Testes etc.

Starting from conjunctivitis to Glaucoma, cataract, Blepharitis, post Covid vaccine problems Restoring a normal eye sight that too without any surgery.


We have some health care products (Herbal Medicines) also and these are of two types :

A. PRODUCTS MADE BY US : These are our proprietary products, made by us under our SAUMYA brand. All of these products are unique, effective, made from best premium quality of herbs and spices- mostly ORGANIC. These products are available with us only. We have deliberately not ventured into their mass marketing because of two reasons : –

  1. Mass marketing will enhance  cost of these products by manyfold which will defeat our objective. And
  2. In order to face competition, we shall be forced to adopt some commercial tactics which will diminish effectiveness of our products.

B. PRODUCTS OTHER THAN OUR SAUMYA BRANDS :  These products are made by some one else, not by us, but we believe these to be herbal and effective and hence simply feels these can be  recommended for use.  These products are available with us also at their MRP.


  1. All orders valued above Rs. 2000/- are despatched free of cost to the given address . For orders of lesser value actual courier charges shall be applicable.
  2. We dispatch our consignments through Shree Tirupati Courier Services Pvt. Ltd. To send goods by any other courier service, differential cost between the two shall be charged. Please check if services of this courier company are available to your desired place are available or not. 


PRODUCTS OTHER THAN SAUMYA BRAND (Trusted and Recommended by Swasthya Bhandar and Available with Swasthya Bhandar) :

Saumya Raw Honey

100% Pure, Organic, Natural, Unprocessed, and Unpasteurized, from the High, Lofty Himalayan Valley of India. 

Saumya Herbal Tea

A unique products to cure as well as to prevent Cancer, Problems of Heart, Joints, and Lungs. Made from Pure, Organic, Natural Herbs only.

Saumya Stevia Leaves

A 100% Natural, Harmless, substitute of refined sugar with zero calories. An unprocessed, Sunlight Shadow-dried  Organic Agri  Product. 


Why Choose Swasthya Bhandar

Not for Profit:  Perhaps the only clinic that provides free prescriptions nationwide for all acute problems/diseases with the option to buy medicines from anywhere. The only requirement is a one-time Registration (free of cost) to obtain a reference number to be quoted whenever a consultation is needed. The consultation fee applies only to treating Chronic, Complex, and incurable diseases. Acute diseases are sudden and curable with a few days of treatment, while chronic diseases are slow and progressive and need prolonged treatment.  

Integrated Approach:  Very exceptionally, Swasthya Bhandar’s Doctor, Dr. D. S. Agnihotri, is qualified in multiple treatments. These are Homoeopathy, Naturopathy, Yoga, and Acupressure. Dr. D. S. Agnihotri is not simply a dual M.D. but also has a prestigious AICH (Greece) qualification that is internationally available to qualified doctors only. Moreover, Dr. D. S. Agnihotri has more than 50 years of experience. Usually, he treats Acute problems with Homoeopathy alone, while he treats Chronic, Complex, and so-called Incurable diseases with integration of Homoeopathy, home manageable Naturopathy, Yoga, Acupressure, and Herbalism. This integration of Homoeopathy with other similar therapies enhances its effectiveness in providing rapid, gentle, and permanent cures even in chronic and complex problems without lifelong medication. Dr. D. S. Agnihotri has also introduced some Herbal products that are unique in quality and effectiveness.

Personalised Approach: At Swasthya Bhandar, we consider each patient as a family member and not a customer with a dedicated attempt to understand a patient’s specific physical, mental, and emotional symptoms aiming to address the underlying cause of illness, promoting long-term health and prevention for recurrence instead of just masking symptoms of the disease. The therapies adopted for the treatment have no side effects and encourage entire well-being naturally, restoring permanent health. Even Homoeopathic medicines used, unlike Allopathy, are not in their material form but in their ultra-micro form with the hidden energy of the crud drug. Our nervous system directly absorbs them, bypassing the stomach, liver, and kidney routes. They work wonderfully to cure without surgery, even in surgery-recommended cases. Highly diluted but potentised substances in their ultra-micro form eliminate the risk of side effects, making it a safe option for individuals of all ages, including infants, children, and pregnant women.
